Hard Right Ideology, ignorance, politics & greed have all but killed the largest river system in Australia – The Murray-Darling

1 February 2019


20 April 2019

Coalition faces calls for inquiry into Murray-Darling deals signed by Barnaby Joyce

Bill Shorten weighed in, saying there were now “question marks about the probity” of the “nation’s biggest water purchase”.

While the government dismissed calls for an inquiry, Shorten called on the prime minister to say whether he backed Barnaby Joyce’s handling of the contracts and whether he would accept an audit.


Australia’s average yearly cotton production has risen dramatically – from 9,000 bales in the 1960’s to an average 1.5 million bales (2005/06 to 2009/10)

Click to access soilpak-cotton-Part-E.pdf

The major buyers of Australian cotton are currently China (30 percent), Bangladesh, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Turkey and Thailand (source: Australian Cotton Shippers Association, 2018)—© Cotton Australia 2018.

Barnaby Joyce is the National Party’s member for New England

GW: In a nutshell it seems that a big cotton growing corporate (probably a ”friend” of Barnaby) is syphoning the water in the East & destroying the sheep properties & vineyards further along the system. Quite deliberate in my opinion.  I am stunned – it was a big river.  Now reduced to puddles?  Can’t really believe that these political wretches have been allowed to get away with selling water from the system which is the life-blood of farming in N.S.W. to a couple of Global outfits.  If this is actually what has happened!  (((They))) need to be at the end of a rope if this is the case!  See ”liabilitymate channel” at bitchute for further information.


19 December 2019


23 September 2019

NSW secretly exploring long-dismissed plan to turn coastal rivers inland


GW: Further Political Perfidy by those po-lie-ticks.

The Australian government’s goal: burn the people out of the bush, stack them in “smart” cities. “Global networking giants have also been pushing into…

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