Swift Messages & Pound Sterling – Tptwtb ”Telegraphing” each other about upcoming intentions.

Amazing Polly
14 December 2019

Amazing Polly
Please don’t think this is financial advice – seriously, it isn’t! I know nothing. To support my work you can contribute via paypal: https://paypal.me/PollyStGeorge (thank you to everyone who has sent something! You rock!) OR you can send me something in the regular post via my PO Box address which can be found on the “Contact” page of my website: amazingpolly.net. God bless you all! (edited)17267

lee boss
The referendum was on a Thursday that’s why he said Black Friday Thanks polly, I never knew this

Alecia Shepherd
Only this time I very much doubt that George Soros will be selling the pounds back to the UK… ever. As Swift said they would not let her buy back her catalog. So perhaps that is an indication that George Soros and his constituents must also refuse to ever sell back their interest

Holidayin germany
I wouldn’t be surprised if this is all true and if it is I am totally disgusted by these people. Basically The New World order is about fraud and theft and trying to get away with it.

J Mac
Seem like a good time to seize all of Soros’s assets and set the world free from his evil. He is not helping anyone!

NailswHope Nailswhope
Do you know @Tiffany Fitzhenry, Great Talk with Larry Johnson. Thanks for your Hard Work!

viz_a viz
What if the past proves the future..boomerang..261273.film.👀.

Ron Shekelson
Taylor Swift is a transgender male to female. Look at the early pictures of him when he was a young child. You can clearly see it’s a boy. These Elite families transgender their children. Check epicsellouts channel for video proof..

Chris Poole
January 31st is a Friday!

Aimee Osmulski

Ron Shekelson
I think Taylor Swift was involved with pizzagate. There was a tweet of Taylor and Miley eating a whole (pizza)!!! This was in 2009 well before pizzagate… That’s why Taylor deleted his Twitter account..

I think he was referring to “Black Friday” as our black Friday after the crash in 1929.

Chris Poole
Swift is a big player on world trade using Swift credit..

Carol Cassidy
And a happy Christmas to Julian Assange, I heard he has been ill lately. Dec 20th is the date a Spanish Judge is talking to him re CIA and the Spanish security company camera’s in the Ecuadorian Embassy. Interesting points Polly, Thank you. Around Christmas time, no one is looking very carefully at any news. Exactly the time to keep your eyes wide open. I walked into a waiting room recently, I was the only person not staring at a phone screen and/or had earphones in. I breezed in said Hello Everyone and was met with a couple of strange looks the other 5 didn’t respond. So I smiled and looked out of the window and watched the door. All in plain sight, so now Blind, Deaf and Dumb, shame I love to talk, but without being on a screen, I am invisible…

Chris Poole
Christchurch was them as well using their weather machine, bankrupted the country and afterwards the premier went on the Radio saying it was a man-made earthquake..

Piste Red

Ian Barber
Check to see if the Swift system has been replaced by Key Integrated Money System (KIMS) See also, Manna World Holding Trust, sole trustee Kimberly Ann Goguen. See also Thomas Williams of Truth Honor and integrity on youtube.

I was watching your Subverted Part 2 – The Tentacles and Weird History. Greta Thunberg is said to be a descendent of Svante Arrhenius……he is the father of the CO2 greenhouse gas theory. He was a board member of the Swedish Society for Racial Hygiene and helped with eugenics policies

Stacey ,Pray for the lost people
Wow New Zealand just had another volcano erupted and they’re finding deceased bodies.

Jeremy Stocks
Polly as a Brit I remember when that evil man wrecked our economy on Black Wednesday (Sept.16, 1992). He has to be stopped. Your research is incredible.

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