A Discussion About ”Foundations” So Beloved Of Tptwtb

AP: Globalists Foundations & Controlled Journalism – Fact Checking Fake News & Phoney Philanthropy
Amazing Polly
1 February 2019

  • Goggle/Bill & Melinda Gates/ Open Society Foundation/OMIDYAR NETWORK?NED GLOBAL/Craig Newmark Philanthropies/National Endowment for Democracy Etc

razor edge
Foundations and charities are money laundering organizations disguised as philanthropy.

Jacqueline Pletscher
Soros and his Open Society Foundation comes to mind. Also Bono/Gates/Geldof One Foundation. Corruption

kellie c
Foundations only need to give a very small percent to charity. That’s why all the wealthy have foundations instead of charities. The Royals, Clinton’s, Gates, Oprah, Obama, Soros, et al all have foundations which they then “donate” to claiming the tax write off as charity and not a very much for profit scam with most of the money being pocketed by them and their allies. Look who Meghan has drawn close to since becoming so self important. Money laundering. Just one big circle jerk.

Teressa Scott
It’s very sad to say BUT 99% of CHARITIES withhold donations from the cause 😕 Unfortunately they syphon these funds via LEGAL LOOP HOLES making their actions legal (edited)

anna verano
I think more & more people are realizing the whole charity, foundations, and the celebs that back them are all frauds … They want us all to give while they hold on to all the money than call us all racist nazis when we don’t support open borders …. The elite could end world hunger & poverty tomorrow if they chose to do so .. They are just all evil greedy globalist who now want to tax us all for having a carbon footprint & wanting us all to become vegans knowing fruits & vegs are hardly even affordable for the working class & poor ..

Veg Patch
Yes. Altruistic Narcissists pose as philanthropists, priests, charity workers, just to access their particular perversion. Could be sex, could be other peoples’ money. They’ll head right for the cookie jar

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