What is in the mind of these felons? Get on a bus & immediately punch the driver? Most UK passengers say ”Thank-you” when they get off?


GW: Look these guys are providing you with a service mate – not always an easy job. What kind of illiterate fool are you?

Jonsmith @jonsmit31550558
Replying to
@ZubSpike and @AntonPretorius1
This is exactly the sort of societal breakdown the ptb are engineering, slowly squeezing everyone’s patience with the so called democratic “system” until the public gives and screams for a new “order” on the ptb terms certainly not ours, this is how systemic social engineering works

Deb⭐️⭐️⭐️ @Flake_Despisers
Replying to @ZubSpike and @DemDemise
Well that skinny little puke sure got what he deserved. He’ll think twice before he does that again.

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