All candidates Hugh Grant canvassed with during election campaign failed to win their seat

The Love Actually star gave Chukka Umunna the career kiss-of-death as the MP lost his parliament place by failing to secure City of London for the Lib Dems after canvassing with Grant.

Anti-press campaigner Grant also went door-to-door with Labour candidate Faiza Shaheen in Chingford, London, before she was beaten by Tory veteran Iain Duncan-Smith.

The actor canvassed with Lib Dem candidate Monica Harding to unseat foreign secretary Dominic Raab, in his Esher and Walton constituency, Walton-on-Thames, but she too was beaten.

Grant also hit the campaign trail with Jewish ex-Labour MP Luciana Berger, who stood for the Lib Dems in Finchley, London but also lost to the Tories under the actor’s ‘curse’.

The Four Weddings star was glum-faced at a London tapas bar at 10pm on Thursday with wife Anna Eberstein as the exit poll revealed Boris Johnson’s landslide.

As the reality of a Tory majority emerged he Tweeted: “There goes the neighbourhood.”

GW: Just goes to show how (((their))) interference in our elections is not always bringing about the desired result for (((them))) any more.

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