AP: Psy Ops Goes Mainstream

Amazing Polly
10 December 2019

All the world’s a stage, and (((they))) want you to believe (((their))) story is real. I give you some examples of faked reports that led us to war and then I introduce …

Grace by Faith
Excellent video as always. 😉 Chock full of dot connections. Here is a video of Beto O’Rourke displaying “duping delight” over what happened at El Paso. His part is at 3:18, but the whole video is a delight in itself. Enjoy!

AML’s One Stop Dooper Doop Shop

Anaconda MaltLiquor 17

Grace by Faith
@Tim Borch They established control over us a long time ago. Here are the legal citations to prove it (long, sorry). It all started with the Emergency Banking Act of 1913 but the bankruptcy of 1933 and abrogation of gold to federal reserve notes (debt/credit) sealed the deal. The New Deal. *March 9, 1933 – ownership (legal title) of all property is in the State; individual ‘ownership’ is only equitable (user) title. Senate Document # 43; Senate Resolution No. 62, Pg 9, Para 2. * The IRS is not a U.S. government agency. It is an agency of the IMF. Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I, Public Law 94-564, Senate report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391. *The IMF is an agency of the U.N. Black’s Law Dictionary 6th Ed. p. 816. * The United States has NOT had a Treasury since 1921. 41 Stat. Ch. 214 p. 654. The U.S. Treasury is now the IMF. Presidential Documents Volume 29 – No. 4 p. 113, 22 U.S.C. 285-288. *According to GATT you must have a Social Security Number. House Report (103-826). General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was a multilateral agreement regulating international trade. *Social Security Numbers are issued by the UN through the IMF. The application for a Social Security number is the SS5 form. The Department of the Treasury (IMF) issues the SS5 not the Social Security Administration. The new SS5 forms do not state who publishes them. 20 CFR Chap. 111 Subpart B 422.103 (b). *New York City is defined in the Federal Regulations as the United Nations. Rudolph Guiliani stated on C-Span that “New York City is the capital of the World”. 20 CFR Chap. 111, subpart B 422.103 (b) (2) (2). Everything they’re doing now is to cover up what they did to us a LONG time ago but never told us. Now they can’t hide it anymore, so they’re making stuff up to create the illusion it’s only happening now.

Tim Borch
Polly: HR 1111 Congressional bill establishes UN controll over the USA. https://www.congress.gov/115/bills/hr1111/BILLS-115hr1111ih.pdf

Polly , its the freemason system. They are luciferians. their cult involves doctors, lawyers, actors, politicians, police, governors, mayors, priest. Their symolism ties them all together. some of the people in the backround of these shootings will have freemason symbol pin on their shirt or hat. They use the symbolism to communicate with each other to get on board. freemasons at the bottom of the ladder are ignorant to the system and are useful idiots. It isnt until they reach 30-33 degree mason that they are shown the real system that worships lucifer and hurts kids.

Suzette Petillo
Pls check into an Air Antenna TV CHANNEL. You can sell ads, n support great new biz, we can TiVo n watch for free.

Free Thought Domain
@Amazing Polly – I think there is also an Australian woman who survived the London bombing and the Bali bombing. Ole Damagarde calls it the “tour of terror”. Serco – there is a crisis actor group that according to their website provides actors for simulations of disasters for training purposes. Which always seems to be happening at the same time or just before a major event.

Holidayin germany
We escaped the Christmas attack in Berlin couple years ago because I got a warning from the heavens above. I am still gratefull each day and I say F..K THE NEW WORLD ORDER. Praise the Lord. Thank you Polly for your great and important work.

Cato pedersen
Hi Polly have you ever look in to Norway terror? I belive its a false flag, im from Norway, and i see it’s so fake. I believe it’s to set muslims at war with Christians. Sorry my bad english. Have a Nice one 🙂

Cato pedersen
I belive some die, it’s not false, but one person doing all alone, come on!!!!

Henry Gustav
here is the fakest news and propaganda of our life times. The Fed govt can never go broke and our taxes do not fund the Fed govt. Fed govt can spend as much money as it wants provided it does not cause inflation. I repeat, taxes do not fund the federal govt. The National debt is a non issue

The Mechanic
@Cato pedersen everything is fake I don’t believe anything or anyone all they want is war just like in New York city the TWIN TOWERS our own GOVERNMENT took them down BUILDING number 7 was never hit they found THERMITE in the streets of New York that is a blasting material the Pentagon was hit with a missile we just wanted to go to war their were no weapons of mass DESTRUCTION just to support our killing machine 😡

Cato pedersen
Siv Jensen is a party member of the pari WHO is against mass immigration, and the globalist agenda, still i see her on video attending the boheamingrove. Sorry i know it’s wrong spelling, but you understand 😉

The Mechanic
@Cato pedersen 👍👍🙃🙃🤯

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