Look at Sweden – A Warning To CANADIANS

Sanity 4 Sweden
6 November 2019

Lee Cullen
I’ve just seen macron the moron saying France can’t handle all the immigrant’s and the Schengen agreement doesn’t work anymore, there must be some kind of French elections coming up, it’s the same old shite. Morning Stefan greetings from UK.

Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar is pulling a similar stunt. He’s saying Ireland is letting too many asylum seekers in from “Georgia” and “Albania”. These guys treat people like idiots

River Wood
France is 2.5 times the size of the UK and 5 times bigger than England. They have plenty of space, they should take them all 😉

Lee Cullen
@fasteddie yeah I saw the other day something about some genius who wants to flood an Irish village with Africans.

Lee Cullen
@River Wood a lot of our cousin’s across the pond are worried about mass immigration and the states is massive compared to France and our beloved island.

Randal Glyph
@River Wood Hell, you don’t need all of France to fit the migrants, you can fit them into the various villas of the European politicians, and their hollywood actor allies. Bono, Hugh Grant, Madonna, Glenn Close, and Macron would be glad to have islamists living in the same homes as their daughters.

Randal Glyph
@Nicolas Jules Well…. how about wearing a hijab as a show of support, at least? You aren’t an Islamophobe, are you?

Lee Cullen
@Randal Glyph morning Randal, and not forgetting Lily Allen and Gary Lineker and Richard Gere of course. Who I’m sure have taken in lots of lovely migrants in to their luxury pads.

Sredni Vashtar
@Lee Cullen The French will just keep sending their migrants to England, as they’ve been doing for the last 20+ years.

Lee Cullen
@Sredni Vashtar I know mate, another lorry driver was nicked bringing in another load of immigrants, which begs the question, how many more are getting through and who are these people walking around us and our loved ones.

Randal Glyph
@Lee Cullen Yes, all of them hypocrites of the first water. And, that OTHER billionaire leftist – J. K. Rowling, who offered to take in migrants and …never did.

Stop The World I Wanna Get Off!
Hi Lee. Merkel said the same in 2010 and we all know what she did 5 years later. Just saying what they know people want to hear, as you suggest, at election time.

Lee Cullen
@Randal Glyph that’s one of the things that bugs me the most, all these rich arseholes who want to turn our beloved countries into third world sh!tholes will never live anywhere near them, it’s the majority of us humble ones who don’t want immigration who are tripping over these third world dickheads.

General Dissatisfaction
We do need to act now or the “slow suicide” of our nations will be much quicker than expected.

Return of the Native
General Dissatisfaction Absolutely so, look at what has happened letting it go this far. But then we didn’t have a choice, did we? & moreover it wouldn’t now be coming to a head had the awakening been slower. It’s only coming on now because post 2016 it openly became a numbers race & the far left abandoned all appearances.

Karl Johnson
According to Red Pill Germany, there is actually a plan behind the suicide being acted out very quickly now

Rusty Bucket
“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” – Mark Twain

Ian The Bastard
I can’t understand why people hate their citizens and homeland so much, the western world is shutting down and for what. We can’t predict what will happen next, however there is one certainty none of this is going to end well, the civil war has already started.

Eric Delf
So get ready and be prepared.

Ian The Bastard
@Eric Delf Eric, the people who pulled off and clumped the extinction rebellion protesters, to me that was the significant change, it’s launched the beginning of the fight back. It is effecting us all in one way or another.

Giaus Caesar
Q: Why are explosions taking place in Sweden? A: Because people are letting off explosives. Solution end mass migration & the problem will evaporate after you send them all back.  GW: That’s how these immigrants sort out their ”turf wars”.

Olle Ahlstedt
@Giaus Caesar Alternative for Sweden 2022

Bruce Raggett
Solution? I begin to think that the onset of the glaciers is the only thing that will purge Sweden of this problem. I am worried for Stefan. The level of his anxiety is a mirror to our own complacency. The next step = frenzy.

Parallel Earth
The left shouldn’t have any sort of power they are insane.

Sweden is a war zone. Easy explanation.

Return of the Native
@incognito “You ain’t seen nothin yet”, as the saying goes. They’ve been smuggling arms & ordnance into Europe in great quantities for more than 2 decades now, at least that I know of.  Into the south from Bosnia, & into the north from Turkey. Speaking of which, a curious but very telling thing happened post 2016. Smuggled arms interceptions into Greece & Italy revealed a switch from the Kalashnikov to the Turkish made Winchester M&P issue pump action. Makes good sense when you think that every single 7.62mm round has to be smuggled in, in vast & adequate quantities, whereas the 12ga cartridge is everywhere & can be resupplied from looted stocks. Moreover, it is a far & away superior in a close quarter urban environment. Another noteworthy seizure in 2017, this time a cache discovery by Belgian police, revealed the tried & trusted attack method, for along with the arms & ordnance were found approx 200 local police & military uniforms, complete with specific insignias, fake IDs & even correct unit vehicle number plates & identifiers. If you’ve followed along so far you will know that this means surprise from within to suppress lawful response, whilst the main attack proceeds house to house unopposed. So where are these caches located? The logical place would be the safest possible, continually under guard, & free from risk of search. Take a guess. When? Again logically at the time at which peak immigration is reached, ie, when borders are closed & mass deportations begun. But not necessarily so, it also depends on national & international stability. Civil unrest could also trigger it. Early 2018 I heard two Russian military analysts say that they have been preparing for it to happen anytime post 2020. So, you really “ain’t seen nothing yet”. (edited)

Velo-Pro International
It’s not only Sweden. The State Department has put Travel Advisories for countries like Spain as well. I really don’t like to talk about what’s going on so I just would leave you with this, I did a story and I left some links.

Angus Drey
Sweden’s not too bad, just remember to get your grenade proof vest from the tourist office….

Velo-Pro International
@Angus Drey At least it’s open. I don’t think you’ll have that luck in Barcelona this week. Embassies have been evacuated that should tell you something. (edited)

If it looks like a War Zone and it smells like a War Zone, there’s a great probability it’s a WAR ZONE! I love the smell of cordite in the morning!

And those of us who live in the USA sit on the sidelines watching the EU crumble before our very eyes. If someone had told me I’d be witnessing Europe committing suicide right in front of us all I’d have said no way. But sadly here we are…

Eric Delf
You ain’t seen nothing yet.

Unfortunately i am stuck in Europe and can honestly say that it will never recover. The situation in the UK, France, Sweden, Austria, Holland is out of control and very close to civil war. If i was to walk through many towns in the small town that i was born in then i would be murdered. It’s heartbreaking. I saw the same Islamic extremist flags in my town that i saw in Afghanistan when i was in the army. Save yourselves. We are doomed.

jimmy vegas
Look around, the good ole USA is crumbling too

@Realist oh my, your response made me realize even more so how bad it is in Europe, you are all in our prayers to be free again. Once freedom is lost though, it’s almost impossible to get back to where you were within even 50-100 years time. I don’t understand for the life of me why why why would Europe invite in to their countries people who want to kill you and will never assimilate. Instead all of Europe will be forced to assimilate to sharia law. I’m studying Islam as a political system right now and it’s terrifying. If you are an unbeliever in their doctrine their good book tells them to behead you. After 9/11 in my country I read the Quran and I couldn’t believe that anyone would want to be part of this completely hateful religion. Most are based in love but not this one. When I said to people that Osama Bin Laden was a perfect muslim the more I learn the more I know I was absolutely correct in my thinking. I know what would be necessary for Europe to reclaim their countries but I don’t think any of the current leaders have the stomach for it. Poland and Hungary seem to be the only two who are thinking of their own citizens. You have to fight them in the same manner as they fight you, it’s the only thing they respect. But if you give them an inch that’s all they need once the pressure starts it doesn’t dissipate it grows stronger and stronger.

@lockandloadshari don’t be smug, it’s well under way in the states. Watch You tube not the fake MSM.

Arthur Reed
The leftists here in the US use Europe as their template, their inspiration they are pushing for what’s destroying Europe here. I try to tell them what’s happening over ther but you can’t really have a civilized conversation with a leftist they start screaming and crying snot dribbling out their noses then call you a racist, islamaphobe, ect.

@Loki I was anything but smug and I haven’t watched any news on television in over 15 years. I read the bills that our elected officials vote on, but since news hasn’t existed in our country in a long time accusing me of being brainwashed by MSM is hilarious.

Helsingin Sanomat, the HS, major globalist-marxist paper in Finland is on top of this. Why there’s so much shootings and explosions and violence in Sweden, and gangs. And the answer is... socioeconomic background and lack of integration... Wow… great stuff… They’re still playing the same tune. It’s like the violinists on RMS Titanic while the ship is sinking… (edited)

Bruce Raggett
Yes, we are just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic while our cultural ID sinks.

you don’t need to be a scientist to know what’s wrong, you just have to know how the world works. Women need not apply

Patricia T
I think I know what you’re saying and I agree. Someone told women that caring for a family wasn’t important enough and so that became unfulfilling. But women and children were what the men were fighting for.

William Tomlinson
Read ”The Strange Death of Europe” by Douglas Murray.

Randal Glyph
@William tomlinson. Douglas Murray has a lot of great interviews on youtube discussing his books and opinions on leftism. Since he’s gay, his comment when seeing a group calling itself: Gays for Palestine, was classic. He said: “Come on! If you were a gay in Palestine, you would be thrown off a building. You would have to go to Israel to be safe enough to protest against Israel.”

Randal Glyph
Swedish Scientific Expert: “It’s a mystery. Why are we having all these explosions?” Stefan: “I know! Ask me, Ask me!”

Spontaneous explosions. 😉

kafka kitty
@Randal Glyph Climate Change?

Randal Glyph
Cow flatulence and kids who shouldn’t be playing with matches!

Eric Christen
Scientific expert? Where did he study? In the middle-east?

kafka kitty
Globalist’s farms would put the fox in with the chickens every night and their zoos would keep the wild cats in the penguin enclosure. And the primates would be equipped and trained to go around setting explosives off. (edited)

logan Walker
Indoctrinated fools being manipulated by the left. Sweden first. Canada on the same path. Ireland on the verge of being the first Western country to go under: the Irish about to be an ethnic minority in their own country and like Sweden it won’t be long before the slaughter starts. It’s over 40 years since I first traveled to Europe. Even then it was obvious that people were being indoctrinated by socialist ideology. Lots of free stuff back then and now the bill has arrived. Oppressive government and the great replacement. ‘ A government that gives you everything can take everything away ‘. Thomas Jefferson

So sad, what they have done to the formerly beautiful country and people of Sweden. God Bless.

ruby tuesday
I`d send all the buggers back !

River Wood
The solution I’m afraid will be grisly!! The liberals who are weak and easily fooled won’t have the stomach for what has to be done. More and more I have to wonder whether the west’s downfall is it’s welfare system. In Britain it was created as a safety net and was a good idea. Now it seems like it’s a way of life! And it attracts the lazy and the feckless from around the world. Decent people end up too busy for children as they pay for the feckless brood!! In nature only the strong survive, the west has strayed from this simple rule. Time to get back to basics (edited)

Randal Glyph
@River Wood. I’m all for a limited welfare system. If you paid into the system, and you are deserving, you should get some support for a limited amount of time, and be offered jobs by the government, from a list, if you don’t find them for yourself. If you are permanently disabled, then sure, the state can help you. If you are a first generation immigrant, and can’t pay your way, you should be sent home. You aren’t allowed to be a burden on society. We should also have testing for admittance to western nations. You have to be free of genetic diseases, of at least average intelligence, and have a job that the country actually has a position to employ you in. If not, then you get to stay out.

nunur business
The Globalist motto, “Order out of Chaos” By 2030, every man, woman, and child will be enslaved and silenced throughout the world.

Karl Johnson
I’m kind of sad today, with a democrat senator winning Kentucky of all places. And in Holland, the first mosque will start with islamic chants through the streets. There is strong opposition, but the coalition have allowed it. Other mosques will follow of course and within a short time, this will be normal part of life in Holland. I’m starting to feel less and less at home in my own country. And in Holland we don’t have vast forests in which to escape

Eric Delf
You’ll need some explosions.

Christian Jensen
it’s the same here in Copenhagen, brother.. almost can’t recognize the city anymore, including the suburbs. somehow I think the only solution is to do a coup. that, quite literally, is probably the only thing that can save us.

I share your pain. Same thing happened to my town in England and they took over. Now I’m an outcast and can’t even go back.

Karl Johnson
@Christian Jensen Damn, I thought that Denmark (and Norway and Finland) were somehow not that bad yet

leon hanford
@Karl Johnson find like minded people and stick together look after each other find other people in other areas build a movement of people they are out there mate.

Karl Johnson
@Realist Insane man. And even more insane is that I (we all) know many people who get aggressive when you express your dislike about this. At this moment I’m having a hard time dealing with this. One of the great challenges is keeping a powerful mindset (edited)

Joe Richardson
The slow suicide has been going on for decades in my country, the Netherlands, as well. Every day roughly a boeing full of mainly prosperous people, with good outlooks, is leaving the country. Meanwhile also every day roughly a boeing full of mainly poor and uneducated people is coming in as well. A slow but ONE HUNDRED PERCENT CERTAIN SUICIDE …

demport boy
You mention it would be a mess for some time, sorry, it’s already a mess, just carry on in what you suggested, deport, start over, leave the EU and the UN. Bill in Brisbane.

That WhiteWolf
Dont fall into The pit of Dispair, think about The possability when The Economy falls (not collapse) NO free stuff fore Migrants and Globalists. I mean, can they Farm, hunt or work? I doubt it. Swedes get tougher, stoic, and return to Tradition. To remind People Who they are, you must Face Hardship. The positive thing is that People do awake, and as long as The People are awake or going to wake up when hardship happens they will look for their own kin. The Globalists and Migrants will start to figh for resorces becuse majority of them have NO Clue how to Produce them in this Climate.

Patricia T
I wouldn’t wait if I were you.

Randal Glyph
@That WhiteWolf. If the economy drops to a low level where there isn’t money left over for much welfare, the productive populations will work at the jobs they can find, and hopefully the taxes are reduced so they can feed themselves. If there is not much left over, then those that don’t work, may find it easier to leave. That should be encouraged.

That WhiteWolf
@Patricia T why wait is right now a good idea, you see The Swedish Goverment have ignored an update Over 300mil Kr, on their electricity. So now The majority of the country, runs a risk to get electricity turned off. When winter comes And electricity is an important thing to have during winter, and Who are more ressistant to cold? Scandinavians. I Wonder how well these Marxist and Migrants will survive? Food runs out fast If you have not rule how much to eat.

That WhiteWolf
@Eric Delf Are you from Sweden, IF you are, how’s The militaries opinion to all of this?

Say the economy crashes and extreme austerity is implemented. Say the migrants and troublemakers leave Sweden. Say Sweden eventually recovers. What’s there to stop them from returning there?

Patricia T
@That WhiteWolf Why would you wait for such a grim scenario? Big, bad government can put a family in with you or put you out of your home.

Patricia T
@That WhiteWolf I’m sorry I misunderstood your comment. You’re saying that this is happening now. That’s a very strange predicament. Praying for Sweden.

That WhiteWolf
@bittercottoncandy They are here for Free stuff, not for our Climate and forest.

Peter Shaw
You’re my daily dose of common sense thank you and if only the bloody Liberals would all just go away…look at the USA and the impeachment farce over Trump.

Vernon Hedge
Sad to say, but if you stop the welfare state then the bombers and rapists will flee. The bombers and rapists of the world, look at European welfare states and it is like overripe low hanging fruit. Time to get real.

Randal Glyph
@Vernon Hedge. And if they don’t take the hint to leave because the welfare has dropped or disappeared? Buy them plane tickets and pay them a flat fee of a few thousand to leave. That money goes much farther in Syria, then it does in Sweden. You will have a lot of people who peacefully renounce their citizenship and leave. Fight the remainers. (edited)

Charles Bates
Here in America, we now have celebrities lamenting about how much they hate their whiteness on social media. The insanity is getting strong here. This is all deliberate of course. The Great Replacement….

Ronald Bumstead
Eventually White Christians will die out, leaving the Migrants to turn Sweden into Somalia. Problem solved.

Randal Glyph
@Ronald Bumstead. They will either be deported first, or if not, the moslems and blacks will initiate a civil war before they are a majority, like they always do. They will lose a civil war, and at that point, they will THEN be deported. I don’t think it will go that far, either.

M Rede
Good doc here on yt: “Sweden dying to be multicultural” by Pelle Neroth.

It will boil down to one thing. Civil war. However, in Sweden there seems to be few men willing to defend their country. Same in Canada. There are those in the UK waiting to take action if peaceful protest fails, but it’s a path that can only be taken when all other means have failed. For those who comment UK is finished/RIP UK clearly are lazy, weak & don’t love their country enough to do anything. All the EU offices in UK /NI will be targeted first. (edited)

Olle Ahlstedt
@Boudicca Alternative for Sweden 2022, Gustav Kasselstrand, party leader

Eric Delf
The bulldog spirit is dormant but still there, we’re reluctant but ready, leaving it till the last moment.

No1buzznut liberty
You can’t keep sitting there and talking and talking and talking you’re eventually going to have to fight or Die your choice

Randal Glyph
Talking at this point mobilizes people to vote (and fight) on the side of protecting western culture and democracy. So, talking is power at this stage, and needed.

No1buzznut liberty
The more you talk the more of your people are getting raped stabbed to death the less likely you are going to win just saying m8

The RCMP are now monitoring our social media for hate speech. Makes me want to move some place where free speech is allowed. I think it’s just a matter of time before the shit starts here.

Randal Glyph
@Shrike. There’s still free speech in the US, and we share a 3,000 mile long border with you. Or stay in Canada and hope that as things get worse, people will begin swinging more towards the right to reverse the problems the left created. Deportations will come.

wp r
Ottawa looks like Somalia right now.

Eric Delf
A ruthless revolution is the only way to “solve” our problems and it will be bloody and violent.

Al Humphrey
Shootings in Sweden? The FSM says this all happens in the US.

There are still Norsemen in Sweden who can go Viking if need be. Everything else by nature’s self correcting process can wind up as food for the birds and fishes in Lake Mälaren. Do you know what happens to a spoiled teenager when you stop feeding them? They starve to death. I am afraid it is going to get much worse before it gets better, especially in Canada and Britain. Sweden still has some Vikings, they’ll be ok.

Randal Glyph
Britain doesn’t need Vikings. They have toothless football hooligans with six packs of beer.

@Randal Glyph I noted the Brits do love their dentistry. And um um those girls with those ankles. And the envy of the world are those Royals and their amazing ‘‘gene puddle.”

Randal Glyph
@doliverelliott Hahaha. “gene puddle.” Well, when you are in the kiddie pool of Royal genetics, there is no deep end. That family is getting closer and closer to the Spanish Habsburg jaw, every day.

In the End, you get what you beg for, including a suffocating, dictatorial government.(edited)

Home Truths
The solution is really very simple, miltary rule throughout western Europe. Democracy has failed the West due to treasonous politicians and a illiterate brain dead population who continue to vote for those clowns.

Joe Richardson
That is EXACTLY what the EU wants …

Randal Glyph
@Home Truths. Dictatorship forever is EXACTLY what the leftist-communist governments want. They create chaos and offer “order” with themselves running things forever. Never trust any political class to rule over you without being corrupted by easy money and power. Always retain democracy to curb the excesses that will crop up in just a few years, if they aren’t already baked into what the politicians are trying to sell you on.

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