”Tousi Two” By Mr X

Mr X
The BBC is just terrible.Recently they wrote an article regarding the whole “Trump’s racist tweet thing.”  He replied with “Democrats are just playing the race card” and the BBC added “There is no evideence that Cummings (the guy playing the race card) was being racist himself” Yes,they tried to mislead what “playing the race card” actually means and tried spinning it into Trump “is making baseless claims of racism” As if anyone is stupid enough to not know what the term really means.

GW:  I am now following this ”Cummings story” – initially believing it was about Dominic. Silly me.  There IS another CUMMINGS & it’s NOT Dominic.  Best to take a look at what McAllisterTV has to say as she lived near where Elijah Cummings is based & apparently the post of Mayor there has been occupied by a series of ”bad-uns” for quite a while.  The tax-payers of the area have been continually ripped off by the associates of Dem Rep Cummings I am told.

29 July 2019: ‘Help us’: Baltimore Mayor Jack Young fires back at Donald Trump over tweets, blames feds

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