Mahyar Tousi: BBC Anti Brexit Bias

Magyar Tousi
30 July 2019

BBC Anti Brexit Bias.
Ever since the Leave vote in the EU referendum, the establishment – from parliament and media to academia and the whole one of the guardians of status quo – have been on a mission to undermine the will of the people. Today, we scrutinise the BBC and their bias against Boris Johnson, Brexit, and conservatives.

Jay Whyeff
The BBC have really done themselves no favours, their blatant bias has annoyed so many that the licence fee is finished, it is only a matter of time.

Stopped paying the Lineker Tax years ago. Now funds are drying up they’re going after the OAP’s…

James C
many years ago I worked at the BBC as a makeup assistant and later as a guest on a radio show. (((They))) lost their appeal years ago when they started playing identity politics and stopped looking at talent let alone news which has become an Orwellian propaganda machine.

Charles Key
The BBC receive millions of ££££s a year off the EU rot promoting EU mandate, the BBC are so in the EUs pocket they have formulated plans to relocate their offices & main operations to Brussels its time to scrap the licence fee.  GW:  ?????????????  UK Column News – 10th April 2019

Jim R
I banked with HSBC for 30 years and was appalled at their stupid ad saying ‘we are not an island’ needless to say I closed my account. Point being the big corporations are at it too!

Tousi Quote:

”I love the fact the British are by nature resentful of authority. This is the culture that made this country one of the first few to introduce the concept of “government by consent” during the Anglo-Saxon period. The system has progressed and evolved to give us what we have today: a democratic constitutional monarchy.”

GW: Well said.  A colleague with family in the CIA said that (((they))) are not worried about the Americans but (((they))) are worried about the British.

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