Ian @ Tap Newswire: All equal under the law?


GW: Good Question. I was unaware of Mr Orta’s situation but it sounds dire.  I offer the following links in order to further understand why Ian said what he said.

1 November 2017: Ramsey Orta says he’s been beaten by prison guards, thrown in solitary as retaliation for filming Eric Garner death

27/7/19: Comparing the treatment of Jeffrey Epstein to Ramsey Orta, the man who filmed Eric Garner’s murder, reveals the grotesque inequality at the heart of American society

8/5/14: Eric Garner was killed by more than just a chokehold

GW: Apparently Eric Garner had been questioned about selling un-taxed cigarettes previously & was then seen ”breaking up a fight” & arrested by NYPD.  He questioned their authority & paid for it with his life.  One could say that at one point Eric was assisting the NYPD in carrying out some of their duties.  However, those tasked with ”laying down the law” don’t take too kindly to those who question what they are doing & why they are doing it as I found out personally some years ago during a slight ”run-in” with some members of the MET Riot Squad.  In my case after some argument back & forth, hands were placed on my shoulders & I was advised to make my way back to Embankment Tube Station from whence I had emerged – to which I reluctantly agreed.  As a family member has said – One must pick one’s fights carefully.

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