Yellow Vests march for 37th week amid media silence

Smiley 3 days ago
Loads of coverage, and comment on Hong Kong riot, Nil for those in France. Is western media biased-I think so!

Yellow Vests: “A Torrent of Hope Cannot Be Stopped by Police Blocks”

Yellow Vests: “A Torrent of Hope Cannot Be Stopped by Police Blocks”

Taras 77 on March 26, 2019
Thank you Ollie!

Yes, the photo of 71 yr old grandmother lying the ground next to a rainbow flag with a jackbooted thug standing over her is one for the history books-that photo will evoke emotions for many years and it should symbolize the heart and soul of the yellow vests.

Well done, Ollie!

Benesha on March 27, 2019 ·
Imagine what Macron, other EU and Nato servants and their systemmedia would shout and write when only one hundreth of French police violence would be the case during a Navalny protest in Moscow.

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