DD 29 July 2019: Obama Blair EU fraud etc

Daddy Dragon
29 July 2019

      • Obama could have given certain people pardons without anyone else knowing – that is why in some instances thee current administration has allowed people to continue with their criminal practices – to get more evidence.  Obama will probably go back to Kenya.
      • Deep State Fright! Durham Tasked to Investigate the Investigation
      • In days gone by you had to have 9 generations of English born parents to become an MP – that meant you had ”skin in the game” – now our parliament is not really ours any more.  It has been abused & we have allowed the wrong people into it.
      • In English Law – Fraud undoes everything – so everything Obama put in place as a fake president is not lawful.
      • One type of EU VAT fraud called Missing Trader Intercommunity Fraudwe have given UKPDS 160 Billion of our tax money via this – & it has then been diverted via various offshore tax havens by these criminals & has ended up in Dubai, Pakistan Qatar & a number of other ME countries.  This money is then pushed back into our country buying up our assets.
      • http://taxandchancery_ut.decisions.tribunals.gov.uk/Documents/decisions/GSM-Sprint4-v-HMRC.pdf
      • GW: Gideon says we must include this link. Gid still trusts Wikipedia.: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Missing_trader_fraud
    • Look at those running the EU – they are gangsters.  Take Juncker he was investigated for running the biggest Tax Fraud in Luxembourg’s history.
    • We need to put a super max prison on St Helena for government criminals who have defrauded our tax money.  e.g. The NHS UKPDS 7.3 Billion fraud being perpetrated every year.

Ian Mackie
Graham, you are doing a great job, most of the time you are not wrong. However, Blair repealing the death penalty, he needed to secure his own life. Being a member of the Bilderberg Group, along with May, Major, Cameron, Merkel and probably most of the Alcoholics running the E.U. ???. … St Heleina (pronounced Hell-e-ner.) It is the Island where the British exiled Napoleon after Waterloo. His house is the property of France and maintained by them as a museum. The island is accessed and supplied by RMS St Heleina, the last British Mail ship, from Cape Town. The Island is a British Protectorate and the ship will be disbanded once the Airport is safely up and running. The closest island is Ascension, which is also serviced by RMS St Haleina, the closest main land is Angola which is just short of 2000 kilometres. So ends today History and Geography lesson.

Lady Belle
Obama was born in Kenya. He is gay and Michelle Obama is transgender. Both Malia and Sassia are adopted. The real father of the girls is suing Obama for forty million dollars. Obama was a C. I. A Agent. Trump is going to expose these corrupt Politicians and hopefully they will all go down..especially once Epstein case comes to court.

David Sowden
@Steven Kirk I’ve heard from numerous sources that the death penalty for treason is part of the 1688/9 bill of rights, which stands forever and has no end date. If any part of it is to be changed, this may only be decided on by a referendum by the people and there never has been one. Therefore, traitor Tony Blair’s attempt to change the law is null and void. Ted Heath also committed treason by signing us into the EEC without a referendum in 1973. The only reason they held a vote in 1975 is because it was realised treason had been committed. Also, every EU treaty that has been signed was an act of treason and one assumes that therefore, every PM and every MP since then has committed treason by going along with it. I hope they sell tickets for the event! I shall be going, with popcorn and a comfy chair!

Alejandra Araya
Don’t forget mr Blair and his book deals inc massive fees for speaking bs. Totally corrupt.

Brian Masters
Bliar addressed a group of Red Indians in America once, and they gave him the honorary title of Walking Eagle. When he asked what was the significance of the name he was told that a walking eagle was an old bird so full of shit it could no longer fly.

Lady Belle
Amazing Polly on YouTube has some great videos on YouTube. She has been joining the dots to this International Cabal. Tony Blair has four companies running out of Finchley Road address in London. His businesses are vying for NHS contracts. This is criminal and He should be arrested.

GW: I just love the idea of St Helena Island as a prison for our UK Government & Public Servant Crims – Bring it on!

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