“Westminster cover-up of child abuse from retired senior police officers on oath 10/3/19” on YouTube

Jon Wedger
10 March 2019

Retired senior police offices giving testimony on oath of a Westminster cover-up of child abuse. Almost all of this was unreported in the national media. This was recorded as a screen recording following the independent enquiry into child sexual abuse last week in London from 4.3.19 to 8.3.19 live streamed on YouTube from the iiCSA live stream.

Fancy fortnite Games
Thank you all for coming forward with a very real and far reaching corruption and cover up within the British establishment and police force; the cesspit needs to be cleared out as this makes our judicial and political system rotten to the core whilst telling the masses how to run their lives – we should be marching in the streets and not live in fear of speaking out against the corruption we see – this country is quickly becoming the third world and this has been the agenda all along

Not seen any of this on any news channel I wonder why we’ll we know why don’t we it’s a disgrace

Sham Teal
I am really really shocked at the things coming to light in the UK and the absolute abuse of power by those we have always been led to believe we should look up to and respect. This just cannot continue, it’s not only this, it’s also the abuse of our democracy, the contempt the establishment have for ordinary people, the secure ringfences they erect around obvious establishment criminals, the Brexit denial and the assault on our British way of life. It cannot continue, people really have got to get up from their cosy armchairs before it’s too late and do something before we descend into no more than some corrupt hell hole of an island that no one in their right senses would want to live in.

Tweedle Dum
Homeless people told my friend a journalist, that if they called childline to report abuse, if it was a VIP they were hounded into silence, this happened again and again. Consequently they stopped trusting any help lines.

Kelly Edey
I was a dilly boy in Piccadilly London in1984 I was 14, I used to see a lot of Arab guys in top London hotels, the police kNew exactly what what on and used to humiliate me when they come across me and others like me, sadly I am still a prostitute to this very day. Yes it says Kelly because I had the op when I was 21.

Angie McCorry
Melanie Shaw hasn’t harmed any person or property and therefore should never have been put in jail So Why is she Never mind Tommy Robinson although he has a point What about Melanie Shaw

Jennie Kelly
Exodus 22:22Do not take advantage of the fatherless or the widow. These men will come before God, they will have to answer for their actions, be judged, have their names removed from the Book of Life, and will be cast into hell. Doesn’t mean I won’t do anything about this nasty crime, it just gives me peace while I do it. God Bless you Jon and Much Love 💕😊

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