18 Years for being a victim with possible mental trauma issues?????

Anonymous 26 July 2019
“It is my opinion that the trial of Carl Beech was a show trial in a kangaroo court, staged to turn the public opinion against survivors and as a warning to survivors to keep quiet or else. Does anyone really expect the establishment to confess its crimes?”

Anonymous 26 July 2019
“18 years!!!!!!!!! People who actually commit the crimes he accused people of get significantly less than that. People who murder children with stolen cars and people who murder people while drunk at the wheel get significantly less. #CarlBeech”

GW: And how many years did the Rotherham Rape Gang get again? Ah Yes 10/13 years. MMMMM!!!


Anonymous 26 July 2019 at 10:45
“Harvey Proctor isn’t as innocent as he likes to make out, and I wouldn’t be surprised if many more abusers will get away free because of the uproar of this case.”

Anonymous 26 July 2019
Andrea Davison:

“They [police] cannot even arrest a man, Harvey Proctor, found with a child bloodstained school uniform and underpants plus torture and retraining devises.

But say something on twitter or complain about VIP child abuse and the system gears up into full swing.”

GW: Re Proctor, Janner & Co screeching ”I’m innocent I tell ya.”  Why Does My Older Cat Yowl All the Time? – petful.com

And it’s loud. We used to think these cats had become senile or demented, and didn’t believe there was a lot we could do. Now we know there is a direct correlation between certain medical and neurologic conditions, cognitive …

GW: That Red Carpet in Westmonster has got so many dead bodies swept under it, one would need a set of crampons & climbing ropes to scale it!  And Proctor should NEVER be allowed to run for political office again.  Mark those words well @Conservatives!

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