XtremeRealityCheck: Epstein found ”in fetal position” in jail

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Roland Matters
Epstein will NEVER, repeat, NEVER make it to trial. Everybody is saying the Clinton’s will have him silenced but my money is on the Mo$$ad. Just like happened to Ghislaine Maxwell’s dear old dad, and former Mo$$ad asset, Robert Maxwell.

William Farris
@Roland Matters – man this truth is finally getting its leggs. drumf> maxwell> chone> tru news, rtr, shaking my head productions, know more news, growing awareness, enter the stars reloaded. to name a few.

Teri Badeau
@Da Ancient Roman I’m thinking that after the FBI raided his homes in NY & Florida, the DOJ already have all the evidence of who’s who, plus the videos of the guilty. Plus, he will have many people around him, keeping him safe. He’s a whole lot safer in jail then he’d be out.

There is absolutely NO WAY Eppy would be exposed to other inmates, regular duty guards or anyone outside of intelligence. This is a narrative.

Angelo Espada
Brilliant. He is a high target. Another inmate questioned? He shouldn’t be in the general population in the first place. He is national and international news. It is all 🐂💨.

Jes Rodriguez
According to Mark Taylor, El Chapo is supposed to be at the same facility as Epstein, go figure. He was recently indicted too. I wouldn’t be surprised if the DS were plotting a two-birds-with-one-stone move.

Ondrea Counts
Epstein’s life will be “required” of him. They will let ppl think that justice is going to be done but he’ll end up dead so then the investigation will be closed. There is NO WAY the other elites will EVER allow their names to be brought into this. His billions can’t save him now & deep down he knows it. That’s what happens when you play w/ fire & dance w/ the devil…he will come someday to collect that soul.

Not this time the elites are going down. Thank God for President Trump.

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