The Culture War – Hopes and Dreams (ideas for the future)
Memory Hold
13 June 2019

ale ale ssandro
u need to get on bitchute and or Dlive. they booting wrong-thinkers off YT. let’s hope “memory hold” doesn’t become prophetic

Memory Hold
I’m all over it...I have a bitchute account under the same name (MemoryHold) and am currently organizing all my content to back it all up over there. I have also registered for DLive and plan to use that for my livestreams moving forward. I’ll let everyone know ahead of time when I start my move over to DLive Thanks for the suggestions!

passtheBuck Canuck
Parler is a great platform from what i’ve seen

Lou Tram
Thank you so much for your channel and the hard work you are putting into it. Highly respect your work memory hold

passtheBuck Canuck

Truck window stickers… Or power…. I’d like either one….😁

passtheBuck Canuck

We have enough evidence to get started

Rick Deckard
ayyyy lmao

The Moore Fam
Bring our resources together

Regina Royal
They are legion, so we need to be just as many. Will take many to get through 🐇 hole. Hope you win lottery or find gold☺️!!

You are a righteous moral and stand up guy. Found you through Instagram. Keep up the great work. Just like you said we need good people to network just like the creepy, evil, sick people do. Keep exposing the truth and stay safe. And by stay safe I mean maybe you should consider moving to a state that lets you have a firearm to protect yourself if it is possible for you to do so. This is very dangerous territory we are exploring and these evil people have a lot to lose.

Stay with this YouTube channel try to grow this channel. use live chat maybe add moderators. Hopefully you don’t have strikes or demonetized on this channel

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