Unvaccinated Kids are Healthier Than Vaccinated Kids | Robert Zajac, MD

Airdrop org
10 June 2019

Robert Zajac, MD has 8 children – all not vaccinated. As you know, medical doctors don’t have a lot training in vaccines. We don’t have a lot of training in anything in detail unless you become a specialist. I’ve been reading about vaccines since 2009, about an hour a day. ===== I started reading about vaccines when I saw my patients getting hurt, and that was really hard for me. I didn’t want to believe it. …===== In the […] two years [after I began my practice], I noticed that there was a separation in my patient population. There were patients who were seeing the local chiropractor who were healthier than my other patients, and they were doing some other things for their health other than just taking medication for whatever condition they might have. They also had a lower vaccine uptake and they were healthy. And that was really hard for me to recognize.

”As you know, medical doctors don’t have a lot training in vaccines. We don’t have a lot of training in anything in detail unless you become a specialist. I’ve been reading about vaccines since 2009, about an hour a day. I started reading about vaccines when I saw my patients getting hurt, and …”

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