UK Column News 24 July 2019

AT: Boris Johnson & the people he is choosing: The groundswell shows that people think he is like Trump. He has taken a long time to work out his position on Brexit. He is an opportunist & is trying to mirror what the people expect while also working with the Deep State.

MR: Priti Patel is likely to end up as Home Sec; Jeremy Hunt at Defence;  Gavin Williamson at Northern Ireland & Sajid Javid.  Andrew Griffith is heading over to be the ”Business Advisor”; Muneera Mirza is heading the Policy Unit; Mark Spencer to be Chief Whip; Spencer is the one who said the man with learning difficulties who arrived 6 mins late for JobCentre should ”learn about time-keeping”

AT: I don’t know which to be more alarmed about the fact Priti Patel (read Israel) to be in charge of UK Security or Deutsche Bank in charge of our Finance.

BG: I found it fascinating that this popped up on the BBC just when they are bashing Corbyn for being anti-semitic – a short cartoon telling us all that is nice about Zionism – Misleading by Omission – What is Zionism? A very brief history

MR: Deutsche Bank declares EURO 3.1 Billion net loss

BG: Interesting to see that DB was praised by Common Purpose as showing ”good leadership”

BG: I see you have drawn our attention to this Alex. It’s in Dutch so we will need you to elaborate.

AT: Yes it seems genuine & is not a satire account so it is quite concerning that this is so easily expressed. GW: We can see where this is leading.

UK Column News 22 July 2019 (Catch-up)

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