Not Dominic Cummings Again!

There it is – the weird & the weirder.

Brexit bombshell: Dominic Cummings’ brilliant EU masterplan revealed

Today, Boris Johnson appointed Dominic Cummings, the former head of the Vote Leave campaign, as his senior adviser in Government. It is understood Mr Cummings will serve as one of the two key aides to Mr Johnson, alongside former Conservative councillor Sir Edward Lister. The appointment has already caused some controversy, as it comes less than six months after he was found in contempt of Parliament by a committee of MPs investigating fake news.

Cummings, a former aide to Michael Gove, effectively ran the Vote Leave campaign in 2016, by using data-driven campaigning to win over undecided voters, pushing a small number of key messages.

GW: Bleugh – Pass the Sickbag.  Cummings rode on the coattails of the real Brexiteers such as Dr Richard Day of the Flexcit Group.


”Then at a deadly pace it came from outer space
And this is how the message ran:

Science Fiction – Double Feature
Dr. X will build a creature
See androids fighting Brad and Janet
Ann Francis stars in Forbidden Planet
Oh-oh at the late night, double feature, picture show.”


GW: If you haven’t ever tried to read Cummings’ Blog btw – and you are having trouble sleeping ………

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