Driving Test fraud rises in the UK – Oh Really? Well why would that be I wonder?

RAC: ”Learners are paying up to £1,600 for an impersonator to sit their practical test for them, while theory test fraudsters are forking out up to £800.

As well as posing a danger to other road users, offenders could be hit with driving bans, heavy fines and even face jail time if their case ends up in court.


GW: Because the British Driving Test is quite demanding & some of our erstwhile friends do not have the mental capacity to crack it.  That’s why.  And Goggle are doing their darnedest to hide this link – to prevent any discussions?  Alternative source:

The ”Stazi Suppression (of news) Society” are losing the information war.


It’s just ”business” to these types – doesn’t matter about the danger caused to other persons – that’s not a concern – just as long as they can ”live their dream.”  The same as those who illegally ride e-scooters around.  Quite illegal on UK roads but heh who cares about that?  Why are the illegal?  Because they cause harm/death to users & others – that’s why.

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