Tulsi the Transformer

Transpocalypse Now
14 January 2019

Kamala Harris is linked to a slave owner and to Donald Trump.

“According to Kamala Harris’ father, the Democratic presidential hopeful’s great-grandmother was a Jamaican slave plantation owner who founded the city of Brown’s Town, Jamaica.”

Kamala Harris turned a blind eye to child sexual abuse?

When it came to taking on the Catholic Church, survivors of clergy sexual abuse say that Kamala Harris turned a blind eye – refusing to take action against clergy members accused of sexually abusing children when it meant confronting one of the city’s most powerful political institutions.

Kamala Harris Stopped Cooperation With San Francisco Church Sex victims…

Brabantian @AAG 29 June 2019

Anti-war, half-Samoan Hindu candidate from Hawaii, Tulsi Gabbard, won the most interest of voters in Google-searches in the aftermath of the Democratic debates

Tulsi is being furiously attacked by Jewish figures as a ‘danger to Israel’.

Some even attempt to dismiss Tulsi, by saying internet interest in her, is merely males responding to a young (age 38) attractive woman amongst the candidates … not Americans just sick of war and the war machine.

Brabantian @AAG 2 July 2019

People are expressing hesitations on Tulsi, wondering if she might be another very clever trick, for the Democratic side of the USA voting public

Tulsi Gabbard is a member of the CFR – Council on Foreign Relations – the chief forum for USA oligarch enablers, often described as a major vehicle for illuminati etc

Is Tulsi just ‘playing the game she needs to play’ to not be excluded … or is she another person who is ‘controlled opposition’? – As Trump voters wondered about him in 2016

In 2015 Tulsi spoke at Christian-Zionist Christians United for Israel

In 2016 Tulsi received the Champion of Freedom Award from USA ultra-Zionist political Rabbi Shmuley Boteach at the Jewish Values Gala


Brabantian @AAG 6 July 2019
The CFR is maybe reading Aangirfan?

Spookily, Tulsi Gabbard is apparently newly removed from the CFR member roster online, a large list in alphabetical order


However, one can use the internet ‘wayback machine’ at web archive org – archiving internet pages of many sites as they looked on intermittent days, which you can select from options on a caldendar –

And there one can see copies of recent older CFR web pages where Tulsi Gabbard was definitely on the official CFR member list:


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