Bercow Faces Backlash As No Deal-Blocking ‘Parliamentary Bible’ Now Available FREE Online

On Tuesday members of the public will be free to peruse the Parliamentary rule book of legislative law that forms part of the UK’s unwritten constitution. First published in 1844, Thomas Erskine May’s Parliamentary rule book is set to be navigable and searchable and will be published on the UK Parliament website. Commons Speaker John Bercow said: “Parliamentary practice and procedure does not exist in a vacuum.

“It is in fact the lifeblood of the day to day work of Members, as recent months have starkly brought in to focus.

“All too often Parliamentary rules are seen as a Byzantine mystery, only understood by a select few.

“Therefore I am delighted that Erskine May, the venerable Bible of Parliamentary procedures, is to be made freely available to all, to help people develop a wider understanding of how their elected representatives work.”

Leading historian David Starkey also argued that Mr Bercow’s behaviour is calling into question the validity of Britain’s unwritten constitution.

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