Bombshell tapes reveal how top Whitehall officials compared Brexit to a KitKat with chocolate layer hiding UK ties to Brussels

16 March 2018

Their bizarre chocolate analogy drew laughter at a secret meeting while appearing to commit taxpayers’ cash to propping up EU defence projects

TOP Whitehall officials were caught boasting to EU diplomats that Brexit will be like a KitKat with chocolate covering ties to Brussels for years to come.

Bombshell tapes passed to The Sun reveal senior civil servants secretly pledging to continue spending taxpayers’ cash propping up Brussels defence and foreign projects — including the controversial “EU Army”.

As part of the deal suggested by a Cabinet Office adviser, EU military officials would be based in Whitehall forever.

Our revelation on Thursday night reignited the bitter war of words between Brexiteers and the Civil Service – who were accused of trying to “hoodwink” voters.

Angry MPs said vast amounts of detail about the UK’s post-Brexit plans had been shared with other EU countries before them, sparking claims the officials had “briefed against their country”.

A private conference last Friday saw ambassadors and officials from France, Holland, Belgium, Sweden, Poland and Italy meet the Brits at the London School of Economics to discuss post-exit plans.

One furious attendee blew open the secret chat, telling The Sun: “The public have a right to know what is being carved up behind the scenes.”

Senior Brexit Department official Victoria Billing sparked mocking laughter by describing the defence and foreign policy deal sought by the UK as a “KitKat” – a “cover” hiding the depths of the continued agreement.

And Cabinet Office security adviser Alastair Brockbank – who works for top Brexit negotiator Olly Robbins – told the diplomats that Britain stood ready to continue paying “significant contributions” to controversial common EU defence and foreign policy projects adding: “We are interested in it all.”

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Secret tapes revealed showing UK Civil Servants plotting against Brexit!

posted by UK UNITY | 747sc
March 16, 2018
Leaked recordings have emerged showing that top UK government official have been holding clandestine meetings with their European colleagues to discuss how to continue co-operating after the UK exits the EU. Cabinet Office security adviser Alastair Brockbank (pictured in the suit below) said the UK would still be making “significant contributions” to EU defence and foreign policy initiatives post Brexit stating they are plans “we are all interested in”

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