Labour Party in Brexit Meltdown!

Jeff Taylor
Published on 26 Apr 2019

Winston Churchill
It just shows you how bought and paid for the tory and labour parties are. Corbyn is actually anti eu. He always has been. He’s lobbied against the eu all of his political life. A prime example of the way in which these parties aren’t actually controlled by the mp’s that the electorate appoints. They are both eu prostitute parties that need sticking out on the pavement and sweeping up with the other crap and binning.

Carol Gillett
They really like wasting money don’t they? I just wonder what they think they are going to gain from all this. I will be voting UKIP and hope we get what we voted for. WTO ptah
The more the chaos ensues in the LibLabCon. The better it is for Brexit. Give them the rope to hang themselves and the space to do it.

I was watching the Lib Dems party political broadcast earlier according to Cable if we stay in the EU we will have better services, more Police and better schools ?????.

Monica Warner
@ancietman … Funny how we’ve seen cuts to services, to police numbers, and our schools are having to ask parents for money to buy books etc despite being members of EU for so long! I have to wonder if Cable is suffering from some sort of dementia if he actually believes the rubbish that he spouts!

the quality of uk politicians is so bad it seems they are dumb load of sheep and the quicker we clean the whole lot the better

That’s what 40 years of having no power does to a nation…… Years of career politicians groomed in the EU doctrine in university…. whether Tory or labour…. look at their back grounds….. few are from grass-roots…. mostly privileged with private educations

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