The date 15 April has previous ”form” for tptwtb

Watchman on the Wall
Ultimately, every event in all of world history finds its first cause in God (YHWH). All of life is predestined by God, the Bible says quite clearly. He is the author of righteousness and the author of evil:

“I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD (YHWH) do all these things.” Isaiah 45:7

Most of mankind do not want to hear these truths. But they are the objective truth, nevertheless. So ultimately, God caused the burning of the Notre Dame Cathedral. To what purpose? I believe there are several purposes. But it is really senseless to speculate on what those might be. So let’s not go there.

Instead, let us all admit that we are living in the bitter last days of end times Bible prophecy. The world is pure evil all the time, and ruled by endless lies. It’s pretty obvious. But almost no one dares to admit the obvious truth. Why? Because it is too upsetting to their demons, who know that their end is nigh.

The Notre Dame Cathedral fire was deliberate. That much we can be certain of. The rulers of our world, who we all know practice the occult, love to use their magick and symbols to thumb their noses at all the rest of us in plain view. That’s what this fire was. Three big events of an occult nature happened on April 15:

  • 1) the death of Abraham Lincoln at the hands of Jesuit Catholic assassins,
  • 2) the sinking of the Titanic that eliminated at least three of the main opponents of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, and
  • 3) the Boston Marathon bombing false flag event of 2013.
  • Now we can add to these three events on April 15 the burning of the Notre Dame Cathedral.

There are no coincidences. In the next 2 weeks, two high days of occult rituals will occur: 1) Ishtar, the fertility rite holiday occurs this coming Sunday, on April 21, and 2) Beltane, or May Day occurs on May 1. I’m sure the elite have some large ritual human sacrifice planned for that latter day. Perhaps it will be some form of false flag Gladio attrocity. Because this is likely the last year in which they will be able to observe Beltane, before the second coming of Yahushua puts an end to all of their little shenanigans, once and for all. Because it’s close. It’s very close.
Let the wise understand. The wicked never will.

YHWH has spoken.

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