Notre Dame – Part iv

Notre Dame – An Overt Act of War??, 2640

The Still Report
15 April 2019

mako pal
Years ago, I was introduced to a Catholic Prophesy about France. As I understand it, the entire Nation will engage in a Cultural and Political Civil War that is Bloody. Paris will be Exceptionally bad. In the End of this Bloody Internal Struggle, the Christian Culture will Prevail.

This will be sort of Reversal of the French Revolution. All Marxist Style Ideologies will be evicted from France, and a French Monarchy with Power will be Resurrected. This Monarchy will be Good to the People of France.  If only!

This Catholic Prophesy did not come with a Date attached to suggest that it was for this time. However, it certainly does appear to me that This IS the Time…!!!

My Prayers go out to the People of France. May Almighty GOD Bless the People of France. May there be a Return to a Spirit of Freedom among the People of France. A People who reject Marxist Ideologies while Embracing a Sovereignty that is For the People.

Parallels with Reichstag Fire. NWO behind it.

Martin Smith
Anyone who understands French DNA, knows that the enemy better leave town.

Bruce Barrett
the muslims were driven out of france during the battle of tours 732 AD….they will need to be driven out of france and europe once again, as they never come in peace but, to conquer. eu is stupid

Gerald Rogers
Is the EU too far advanced to be reversed…Is the spiders web of the Euro…EU treaty…and EU law going to ensnare European nations and destroy its unique cultures?
Many millions think it is going in the wrong direction…but feel powerless to change it. Here in Britain we are struggling to save our Nation…But Globalism is in the blood stream of our media and government…Please pray for us.

False flag attack against yellow vests and for globalist NWO.

And by the way … ask yourself, why did they hold back the fire department for hours from getting onto the site to fight the blaze?  You believe it was because tourists were blocking the street?  It is Monday the fire was at 6 pm France, the museum & visits close at 6 on Monday ….. regardless, people would have moved the hell out to save the church …. they would only hold back first responders for one reason …. possible attack or fear of secondary attack on a first responder.

Paul nmn
Considered house cleaning.
Now that the Western world has surrendered, it’s just a matter of cleaning up the old churches so we can get on with our new ”MultiGlobalMegaWorldReligion” traditions.

Joseph N. Pollaro
Satanist religions have no place in Europe or any Christian country. Read your history. Read all history books including the evil ones.

You can bet that demon Macron has his grubby fascist hands in the Notre Dame fire…something he soon proposes will give him up…These things do not happen without govt help, BTW the firefighters, who ordered them to stand down for almost an hour?

12 Volts
Notre Dame needed 150million in repairs they only had 12.5million. Slip that in when thinking how the fire started.

I saw someone comment that they think this might have been ordered by Macron (he thinks Macron is a sinister pro-NWO globalist who has no love of Christianity or the native French people), to get people distracted from protesting with their yellow vests, and instead try to get the yellow vests and the muslims to turn on each other and stop trying to get him removed from office. We may never know who really started that fire and why.

He said they were going to rebuild the cathedral but something more in line with our Multicultural Society. In other words it will be no longer Christian but something appealing to secular society and mostly to Muslims.

What a great opportunity to evangelize the world with the truth of the gospel. The enemy doesn’t understand that in China where they have actively and aggressively been trying to eliminate christianity the opposite has actually happened. True gospel filled, power filled Christianity has spread across China to the point that within the next 10 years China will be a Christian nation. It is not the people’s church as all other religions are but it God’s church and no forces of evil will the ever muster enough power to destroy the God’s church. In fact as the oppression of God’s Christian church increases the power and strength of God through the persecuted members of his church will increase. It is not the power of people but the power of God through his people. There will be more healings and signs and wonders to attract more and more people to be saved since God doesn’t want anyone to perish but all to be saved by the blood of Jesus. I’ll see if you tube blocks this message but that is ok because even YouTube or Amazon or any powerful force in this dark world will never stop the Lord. They will all be on bended knee when Jesus comes again In His glory. HALLELUJAH!!!

The Still Report
Wonderful observation! Amen!

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