Notre Dame – Part iii

Amazing Polly
Published on 16 Apr 2019

Zeena Abdura
We are all living in a bad B-Horror movie. But it is real. Instead of being surrounded by Zombies, we are surrounded by socialists & communists.

Bobby McKinlay
‘Beautiful setting, the room you’re presenting from today… ‘Soothing, cool colors… ‘Dream-Catchers on the wall..??? ‘Framed Artwork… ‘An exquisite lamp… ‘A guitar-!!!!!… And I see you’re wearing your cross today-!!!! But most of all… ‘YOU-!!!!!

Mark Welty
I’m with you Polly. You are a true leader and you speak with incredible clarity. You are exactly what the world needs right now. God bless, and may your words inspire and awaken as many as possible as we enter into this new era. Awareness and preparedness are key.

Roisin Mangan
Hello Polly. Our world has gone topsy turvy and we can only keep our faith that God has a big plan for the planet. I saw the big cross still standing bright in the cathedral even though the fire was raging around it!!! The firemen stood in amazement at the cross. I agree with you when you say these material icons are not important... I remember the first commandment I was taught in school..
“First I am the lord, thy God. Thou shall not have strange Gods before me”.
Thank you

800 other churches recently burned down in Europe, Media hush hush

holy week ? spat of church attacks across France ? suspicious

Pam C
Exactly !!!! A line has been crossed!! Many Churches are being burnt down over there !!!! What will replace them ??

Alan Andrei
If NotreDame was an accident, they would know when/ where it happened, who were the workers in that area, who was in charge of what, what time their shifts, all documented, signed. A million dollar contract on the biggest tourist attraction of Europe and Icon of a country. Its basic Risk Management.

GW: Macron the Illuminati Puppet squatting in the Elycee sipping wine & dining with expensive tableware – not having to deal with the Gilets Jaunes.  Hmmm – Macron est une pute Illuminati!

Pear Tree
Consider Steve Jobs apple logo Apple with a bite out of it……People now have the power. Deal with ND. Be strong we are awakening to TRUTH and love not illusions.

Julia Delaney
Polly guess what else is happening Thursday and Nancy Polosi is headed to Dublin, Muller’s unredacted IG Report.

colm one
From what I saw of it, the firemen only contained the fire.
They were obviously told not to extinguish the blaze. Not many appliances there.
They were not tackling the seat of the fire.
Very suspicious!!!!!!!!

“What matters is who we are going forward”. Excellent response. 💜

Tiffany Anthony Lamothe
Polly, thanks for voicing this. I love your candor. I hope you don’t mind me sharing my take on the event.

My husband is Catholic, so he was horribly saddened by the fire. He was very angry to see me smiling as the spire was falling. The message I got out of this was that Babylon is falling. The photos of the yellow smoke (sulfur?) and the enormous red glow behind the stained glass window looked so amazing. I saw hell in it. I was soooo happy to see God’s hand in the destruction of what most call “an iconic monument to Christianity.” Christianity shouldn’t have “icons.” It is a tragedy to lose an 800-year-old historic building of its magnitude, but as you stated, the past is behind us. It’s time to move forward after this blaring message from God. Rebuilding a church structure is the worst thing we can do. We must rebuild the temple within us. The part you mentioned – the creativity, the zest for life, the goodness and brotherhood.

Side notes: Did you know that 4 days before this, all of the apostle statues were removed? And I don’t believe the “human chain” story about saving a “fake” crown of thorns. My husband was so happy they were able to rescue EVERY relic. How convenient. The news also neglects to tell that MANY French catholic churches have been desecrated and burned since the beginning of this year. At the same exact time Notre Dame was burning, a mosque in Israel was as well. God is hitting the ba’al worshippers – during both of their holy times. No coincidence, in my opinion. Oh and food for thought: Why are billionaires all immediately throwing millions of dollars into the repair project only a few hours after the fire was put out? Almost $1 BILLION has been donated by huge corporations and entities. But no one throws money at the people affected by hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, fires in CA, etc. interesting.

Sharon Hartman
Matt 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. The things I focus on are what survived the fire, The Alter (still open for the unsaved) The Cross (JESUS still calling) & The Crown of Thorns (He wore it to show how the fiery darts of the wicked one attacks our MINDS) Put on The WHOLE Armour of GOD, the pits about to be opened! Most of all remember Psalm 91:1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

Susan 1004
There were some major revelations today on Twitter and as it turns out, the fire was set purposely. People who worked at the Cathedral knew that it was done on purpose. And Macron was the one who wanted it done along with Merkel of Germany and May of Great Britain. Their reasons are many, and I’m sure that it will all come out very soon.

Russell Baril Jr
Bonne vidéo! Tu as mon amour et mon respect! Dieu vous protège!

Romona King
There is a theory coming to light, that this is a DS fire. Does it tie in the picture Comey posted on Twitter, standing in a forest of tall trees, and giving the DS a signal. I’m just saying what I’m hearing, that they expected the Mueller report to come out on the 15th and used this as a distraction. It’s a thought to ponder.

ai ibvr
God does not live in temples made by human hands.
Giver her (babylon) double.

The churches on fire in France in 2018 was 875.
Accidents? I think not! There is a war on Christianity and our civilization. Only the Europeans refuse to realize it.

James Simmons
I don’t mind saying what you are trying to say. This single event signifies the end of Christianity in Western Europe. This event signifies our defeat. And was there first a monumental resistance, a battle? No. We sat on our hands watching as the invading forces were welcomed, the gates to the land opened, our heritage given away. Now we wring our hands in anguish as our cultural heritage burns. Better for Europe to die on it’s feet but that will never happen. There is only one chance left for salvation. Get rid of the globalists. Round them all up, take away their money, send them all to South Georgia island and let them discover what the important things in life really are. Let them be the ones to wonder what happened as Europe returns to freedom.

Max Emmerich
Make no mistake, Macron is behind this. A convenient false flag crisis to enable him to blame his opponents just before the European elections. As HRC said “Never let a crisis go to waste”. (DIABOLICAL). France’s twin tower moment.

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