The Mueller Report

Karen Revell
Mueller was a smoke screen. Everything he went after was so they could try Hillary etc. when he was done. All the right players had to be in line so when the trial was done, everything could be used against the deep state. Huber has been setting up all 50 states to unseal the 80,000+ sealed indictments. The courts couldn’t process all these crimes without the help of the states. All the cases of Treason will be handled in Military Tribunals. Dave is so right when he says Hillary etc. are the middle players, but once they are taken off the chess board, the King will have no protection; CHECKMATE! However, the King is not a snake, it is an Octopus with tentacles in every part of society including pharmaceuticals, entertainment, environment and weather control, banking, education, religion and secret societies, etc. etc. etc. There is no quick fix, it is an orchestrated take down.

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