Julian Assange – staged arrest?

Published on 12 Apr 2019

Gayle Kochman
I am not sure what you mean by staged. Yes Julian Assange held a book and the name of the book was captured. I believe you are correct that they were MI 6 agents. Last year a few US congressman wanted to talk to Julian Assange but that never happened. Sean Hannity from Fox News in the US interviewed Julian then I heard that Pamela Anderson was visiting Julian nearly every day. Bringing him food and perhaps clean clothes , etc.

And poof Pamala stops seeing Julian and is seen at a beach in France with a NEW BOYFRIEND. How convenient. I thought to myself! What a great way to STOP Pamela from visiting Julian. The US does not execute in the state of New York , Maryland, Virginia or if the court is held in D.C. They would only give him tons of prison years. Chelsea Manning is in jail as we speak in solitary confinement. So is Paul Manafort. I throw up my hands because without Julian Assange we would know nothing about Hillary Clinton 33,000 emails. Seth Rich was murdered in D.C. under strange conditions and I am hoping that Julian Assange might get to the truth if he will be allowed to speak in court. We Patriots of America are very concerned about Julian Assange arrest. We want the real corrupt people, like Hillary, Jim Comey, etc, to be arrested for crimes against America, not Julian Assange. My fear is that in the UK an accident will hurt Julian Assange depending what jail he is placed in like Tommy Robinson. I pray for Julian Assange. We are living in terrible times. When right is wrong and wrong is right!

Thomas O’neill
I believe perhaps yes that this is a staged arrest, he will be brought back to the U.S. but I think the Trump administration may have a different agenda for Assange. This could be part of a counter coup against the deep state in order to further dismantle the cabal. If you are watching, all these little pieces are being brought to the surface by Trump after the conclusion of the meuller witch hunt. Trump is going on the offensive.

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