Tyrone Sandalphon posted the following comment on my Hexagons post:

I could not help but notice the empty space left at Ground Zero during the “clean up” of the world trade centre in 2002. On a huge electric billboard facing the site, were the Roman numerals for 9 11 written as “IX XI” with the two numbers being separated by a space.

First off the Roman numerals remind me of a Red Ice interview with Santos Bonacci where he explains how over the past two thousand years the Roman cult/empire has set up a system of ownership of all property and souls that exist on this Earth through their Papal bulls and trusts.

I did a bit of research and was amazed at what came up. The Jesuits made IXXI rings in the 17th century:

Hundreds of these Jesuit rings were recovered from the wreck of La Belle, Louis XIV’s ship that left La Rochelle (the Templars’ port) in 1684. It was La Salle’s ill fated expedition, the same man who two years before claimed the Mississippi River valley for the Sun King, naming the territory Louisiana in his honour.

La Salle’s Expedition to Louisiana in 1684 by Theodore Gudin (1844)

Ian Le Cheminant says the following: “It may be implied but you don’t expressly mention that the two XXs (Dos Equis, muy buena cerveza) form a square and compass between the pillars in the IXXI diagram. This is particularly apparent in the first Jesuit rings you show.”

Some of the Jesuit rings have I’s (ones) that look more like towers, emphasizing the connection with the Twin Towers:

However the horizontal line running through this ring has led some to speculate that it is a schematized A over an M. A over M means Auspice Maria, or Under the Protection of Mary (Isis). Chris commented on this post and says the “Auspice Maria” symbol uses the two pillars from the visions of St. John Bosco. Note that not all the Jesuit rings have the horizontal line, but if you buy into the A over M theory then take a look at the emblem of the Jesuit Society of Saint Sulpice:

The Society of Saint Sulpice is named for the Church of Saint-Sulpice in Paris that featured prominently in the Da Vinci code. It’s the place where the Priory of Sion villain Silas killed a Nun and pried up a stone in the floor near the obelisk, searching for the keystone. Interesting fiction but the Dossiers Secrets do mention Saint Sulpice. It’s the only church I’ve heard about that has solar alignments and an obelisk inside. The best fiction is a vehicle for truth ……… http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/ix-xi/

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