Bill Maher – son of Hugh Hefner – dressed as a wizard, also wearing red shoes:

Bill Mahr’s film production company is called “Kid Love Productions” and during some of his shows, Maher had repeatedly defended pedophiles.

In 1991 he made a film called “Pizza Man”, in which he starred with the climax of the film being Bill Maher’s character killing Donald Trump.

And, like all Luciferians, Bill Maher supports and promotes the depopulation agenda.

In an interview on StarTalk Radio, he said he’s “consistently pro-death” – and “not one of those people who thinks all life is precious.”

“My motto is, ‘Let’s kill the right people.’”

“I’m pro-choice, I’m for assisted suicide, I’m for regular suicide, I’m for whatever gets the freeway moving – that’s what I’m for. It’s too crowded, the planet is too crowded and we need to promote death.” (Source)

This is very creepy stuff!

RED SHOES Dancing on Graves👠👠Biggest Scandal in Music History

EntertheStars RELOADED
Streamed live on 1 Jun 2018

Mr Sir
@Andrea Ridgeway Silver shoes in The Wizard of Oz because the book was about banking and the gold/silver standard. Silver being her shoes and gold being the yellow brick road. It was a lesson for us but since nobody reads anymore (by design) it was easy to make a movie based on the book and using ‘creative licensing’ to ensure we never made the connection.

Joy America is dying. Repent
@Ashley Reynolds

That and Alice in Wonderland are both high MK Ultra programs.

Funki Bloo
Didn’t David B have a song “put on your red shoes and dance”?👠👠

hongry life
Blues could be people and dance… well, fill in. Not sure but I thought it with a movie that I saw, ”Sucker Punch.” In that movie the girls dance when the ‘visitors’ come in the psychiatric place where they reside and then a fantasy is shown, like a surrogate fantasy for when abuse happens, while they ‘dance’.

“Red shoes crew” Ronald Mc Donald house

domino d
Reminds me of the red shoes hoax clip of the pulse shooting 3 years ago where they fake carrying a victim and put him down laughing before they realize they’re still in frame and the guy is wearing all red shoes

Orlando Shooting Exposed!!! HOAX!!! – Red Shoes Again

Lauren Ce
Very dark and disturbing. It’s also more mockery of God’s word , as they are also symbolically and pathetically stomping on the Holy Spirit, because the Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit can and does provide believers with the fruits of the spirit…it’s really sad because those gifts are open to all but these people have been brainwashed by the evils of this world and God loves them so much that He sent His Son to die for their sins and they just keep mocking Him.

Final Boy
Wow, those lyrics! Pomegranate contains tannin and the plant is very similar to the poppy or opium plant with the crown on top. Poppy relieves pain, pomegranate causes it essentially because the tannin is an acid. Look at the symbolism.

  • Shakespeare used the symbolism of a pomegranate tree in Romeo and Juliet to represent true love.
  • The Hebrew Bible mentions the pomegranate fruit many times. Pomegranate images were carved into King Solomon’s temple and the very shape of his royal crown was allegedly shaped like the crown of a pomegranate fruit.

Maze M
This is so dark. So so sad and dark. I just feel sick with how wicked this crap is, being so out in my face for as long as I can remember. Suddenly, “By their fruits, ye shall know them…” takes on yet another meaning. Jesus was incredible and his words are gifts that continue to reveal more and more.

Final Boy
Picked up on something else with red shoes, ‘Chucky’, from ‘Child’s Play’.

EntertheStars RELOADED
Meaning of Red Shoe – leather made with children, or, reddened shoes form dancing in the blood of massacred children. This is one of their ritual dances. The children of Hampstead described the dancing on skulls and child leather shoes in their testimony, but were not believed. Yet, here we have all this symbolism going back 40 years.

Fig Tree Informer
Luke 12:2-3 King James Version (KJV)
2 For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.
3 Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops. [ R/S]

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