”Conservative Cuts” Blamed For Increase In Knife Crime

According to Helen Hayes, Labour MP for Dulwich, Conservative cuts of almost £1billion from child services over five years are ‘a good place to start’ when looking at triggers.

Knife crime almost took my son’s life and I blame austerity

Owain Glyndwr
“It’s everyone else’s fault but mine.” Good parenting, my friend. I live in a poor (predominantly White) part of Wales and we don’t have a knife culture. Riddle me that.

Arnold Hedge
The suggestion that criminals commit more crimes because taxpayers’ money isn’t being thrown at their “communities” (whatever that means) is not just stupid, it’s offensive to the people who live in the same areas and don’t commit crime. How do you explain them?

GW: The ”more money” brigade are back in town. The UK is not a ”bottomless well” – at some point in time the money is going to run out & then see what those who feel a great sense of entitlement at others’ expense will do.  This business of ”everyone else should pay for my shortcomings” has to stop.

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