The EU Is Collapsing Before Our Very Eyes!! 30 Intellectuals Opine In Published Manifesto!!

The Houndog
Published on 28 Jan 2019

A story in the Guardian caught my eye about a Manifesto published by 30 intellectuals….. ( Remember this is an Expert and X is and unknown quantity and a Spurt is a drip under pressure!) who are painting the end of Europe in the most dismal of ways…… assuming of course that living under Stalin would have been a bowl of cherries!

The fall of the authoritarian EU is inevitable thank god.I have said it for years.They are bullies and have pushed their agenda too far, the people have finally had enough. Nice work Houndog.

Margaret Cooper
The EU is eliminating all cultures under the guise of multiculturalism.

Howard Petterson
Potholes cause populism.
After the house the car is the next big purchase for the population.

  • So remember 7 years ago when we were driving down the road until the pothole smacked your car and broke the wheels off the huge expense of your car. The next thing was the springs of the suspension and the next thing was your mind.
  • Your confidence is smashed by the impotence of the ability of the government to help you fix the road.
  • Then you start looking around at everything breaking down. Rivers of cars stuck in traffic and airports getting congested and the terrible trains.
  • You then start thinking about the whole thing about being told what to do by the b*****s in Brussels
  • Elitist globalist Theresa May and her fashion addiction and will never give up her clothes allowance.  Her evil little sh!t financial type husband behind her arse creaming off backhands from the Hinckley Point nuclear power station deal. We have not forgotten about the time we spent our pension paying for banksters in 2008.

I don’t hate the European people. They are just like me and you
It’s beaurocrats in power whose incompetence caused the potholes

Mark Dyer
Please desist from conflating the ‘EUROPEAN UNION’ with ‘EUROPE’. The EU does NOT define Europe. It is/was an ‘experiment’ on the part of Globalists, to see whether they might seize control of entire Countries, with no-one noticing. If they wish to abolish the ‘Nation State’, then they should have been OPEN, and had a \|Referendum on the topic, in every one of the ‘Nations’ they were planning to abolish. Good luck with that one! We are seeing how people would have voted, given that HONEST opportunity, today.

Roger Coles
Hi Steve; with all the financial troubles in Europe I find the silence coming out of the BIS (Bank of International Settlements) deafening. That is the number one bank controlling all banking in Europe.. possibly the world. Little bit of history about it; Set up by the Nazi party during the 1930′s to facilitate the transfer of reparation money paid by Germany to European countries for ‘collateral damage’ inflicted during WW1. Btw, those payments were cancelled, written off, in 1932 just before the BIS was officially established. But, established it was nonetheless, becoming the main ‘channel’ for vast sums of money flowing in/out of Germany prior to and during WW2. I believe the Vatican Bank was also part of that same channel. ( might help explain why the Pope and Hitler were such good pals)
I’m sure the BIS is exerting tremendous influence on Europe at the moment even though we hear very little about it.

Mark Carney (Canadian) is the governor of the Bank of England; what’s not quite so well-known is that he’s also on the Board of Directors of the BIS as are most national bank governors in Europe. I’m afraid I smell a great big nest of rats in the BIS…. a bank with its own constitution, its own laws, a bank which cannot be investigated by any government, nor police force, including Interpol... a bank accountable and answerable to no one except themselves.. the ultimate bank, set up by the Nazis in ’32 and now controlling all European banking ….and yet we hear nothing about it from anyone.

Connect the dots… WW1 – BIS – WW2 -The original 6 member Common Market – the present 28 member EU – Franco/German Army… not a pretty picture is it? The irony of all this is that a cold, hard, no-deal Brexit may well be the saving grace of Europe… and Canada.

As so very well delineated by Martin Armstrong, one of the top financial analysts, the EU was designed to self destruct as the countries adopted one currency while doing NOTHING about their different levels of debt. Unless the collective debt was adopted by all, a self-destruction was written into the collective. As it is and always has been the EU is a fascist tyranny by the aristocrats, old bloodline families and cabal factions. It is in truth an abomination built on the unrealistic ideal of a unity of the diverse Peoples of Europe. A unity is possible, but with separate borders, currencies and languages as is already the case in reality. All it takes is fair trade, open and honest agreements, and rule of law especially in relation to unfair banking rules. Yes I know, we have not had that yet!


Puppets of Jarosław Kaczyński and Viktor Orbán

Denes Miltenyi
Bi the way,  just HOW MUCH do those Oban and Partner figures cost do you think?  It smells like Soros and Co. or something similar. I guess those figures cost a few THOUSAND US Dollars and they are made by PROFESSIONALS. One simply cannot make those figures in the garage with amateur equipment and knowledge.

watcher on the wall
the elites will not back down, they will destroy humanity with thermo nucular before relinquishing their positions of power and wealth, it’s the only life they know and feel this belongs to them, they do not consider themselves as common people but as gods … do you really believe that people mean anything at all to these reptilian creatures, they have no empathy, compassion, they have been taught from birth that love and compassion must be absent from their lives and is the weakness of detestable infantiles and use these moral values against common folk in order to continue their status, they don’t need citizenry, they have technology that they have been holding back for 50 years to create what they want … they will soon create a war to eliminate the problems they are having with economy, public outcry and outrage and whether that be between muslim culture and christian, or country against country, they will do whatever is needed to achieve their goals of world domination unless they are collectively stopped all at once, remember they are the ones with their finger on the button for total annihilation and they have well made and established bunkers along with robotics and massive computers to hit the ground running on the other side of this, robots can be made citizens as in saudi right now and taxed for daily production to create their civilization and income loss from these useless humans who complain, these are not normal conditions or times we are in, this is the battle between good and evil that was predicted 2 thousand years ago and it’s not going away, many will die from this and it’s not gloom and doom, it’s reality of the times we are in... the EU may be discarded but their seat of power and authority will not unless they are eliminated

Denes Miltenyi
Wait a minute the two tools in the hands of the figures are hammer & sickle (Communist symbols) but the text says RIGHT DICTATORS. Some ILLITERATE LIBTARD has mixed them together.

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