Houndog Part iii

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Adam Bohlin
To travel without passport in Europe ” Big news alert” never worked” I tried that several times to test that out and every single time I have been taken aside at the airports on the return to Sweden. I have had German, Dutch, French police calling security in Sweden to validate my bank ID or driving licence, but European airplane companies advertised that it would be alright to do so. Both my partner and friends have been met with the exact same procedure from other countries with expenses and missed flights as a result. So sorry to have to say but that statement is incorrect, both for tourist and work related flights. The same has been true on train travelling but to a lesser degree, only so-called immigrants have been able to travel around Europe without identification even though they have to apply for asylum at the first secure EU country they come to, but now, take Sweden for example up in the Northern part of Europe and nowhere near any border of the path of immigrants the government are flying those immigrants under cover to Sweden at night from counties outside EU at the taxpayers’ expense. Why are Swedes leaving Sweden the government ask themselves, and are now trying to put so much economic and legal sanctions against their citizens so they can´t afford to flee. But I got out in time. I noticed this communism revival 15 years ago but my friend are trapped and probably have to leave everything they worked hard for to the state just to get out and start a new life somewhere else far far away from Europe like me and my partner have done?

brian waterhouse
The different nations were formed when 5000 years ago when the tower of Babylon was built. The people’s language was confused, they had to divide up. The building in Strasbourg that looks like the Coliseum is in fact a replica of the tower of Babylon. The same self bumped up pride which destroyed Babylon. Is in the Eu. It was in the Romans, in Napoleon and the Nazi’s. The Eu is the 4th Reich. Its destruction is inevitable now, one way or another. Let’s make sure we are out of it. God bless you all.

Thurstone Furlong
When your elected politicians go against the will of the people, after they agreed to enforce the outcome of a referendum, and then try and sneakily underhandedly do the complete opposite, the people will not be very happy and rise up against them, when the same elected representatives prioritise imported foreigners above the indigenous tax paying population, and expect them to subsidise their own cultural genocide through their taxes, that same population will also rise up against them, it’s just sad that it’s taken some of them so long to wake up to what’s going off around them that’s worrying.

James Caughey

  • 1984 Double Speak
  • We had a Referendum to leave, we had a General Election & voted for Parties who told us they would take us out of the EU.
  • How many time do we have to vote to Leave?
  • This could be the end of Democracy in the UK & the Death of the Conservative Party
  • Are we going to see a UK Spring?
  • Tory Party RIP
    Thanks Houndog

Yvonne Mariane
Last century was all about promoting ridiculous values like debauchery etc… distancing everyone from sound philosophies, like real love as described in my last upload about Christian thought, and creating a “blank slate” of a population. BUT they didnt’ count on “intelligence” and “soul”.

Carole Weston
It’s the eu’s fault if they had let the UK go quickly they’d have had a chance but now they’ve let all the Europeans see their underbelly and their true face and it’s demonic. if the eu goes under I shall dance a jig it is evil and incideous

Mick Mac
Council amalgamation was a big push in Australia too. Of late the push back has been able to stop and reverse a few of those amalgamations.
Less workers larger council headquarters covering massive land areas is a classic example of NWO OWG Failure in a micro environment.
On a global size the result will be truly a global failure.

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