Houndog Part ii

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Paul King
So these “elites” think Populism forms the Proles vote, Democracy is only for the Elite. Perhaps they want the Proles vote to count for a tenth of an elites vote. Populism IS democracy. The established political and intellectual elite need clearing out of their stagnant swamp. Direct Democracy is the way…..Ask the Swiss.

Terence Clark
IT was only a matter of time before enough people woke up...I think the blessing of alt media has also helped in the coming demise of this failed globalist project, we should get back to the EEC and trade freely as friends. I have to disagree that the EU changed direction, it was always going to be a political entity, they just didn’t tell us at the beginning. Using the words European Union and freedom in the same sentence is laughable and even if brexit was reversed, the EU would still be doomed in its present state. I also think the left and right are irreparably too far apart, one side will dominate the other, and my money is to the right. The globalists are under the false belief that any problem can be solved if you throw enough money at it…….but you can stick your money, we can’t be bought.

William Cowie
Bunch of Rothschild`s parasites this lot don`t be fooled ! They say we need to get back to more voluntarism, Thatcher / Reagan used this terminology it was called ”care in the community” remember it ? well look where that got us, if this lot travelled by train they would be sitting in first class !

Saint George
I like your videos Steve, but I think this one falls a bit short. The situation in Europe is frighteningly serious, much more so than described by you. The French people now understand this, hence the “gilets jaunes” movement. Basically, the people have nothing to lose, so the movement grows week on week despite Macron’s brutality. Mainstream media does not report this. Macron is a puppet of the EU (Deep State). The French people know the EU is the real enemy.

Here in the UK we see freedoms being eroded almost on a daily basis. Free speech is forbidden in favour of political correctness, much of which is totally bonkers. Social media accounts are shut down, demonetised or interfered with. Rape gang whistleblowers are illegally jailed to silence them. The media delights in calling patriotic citizens “far- right, racists and fascists”,but will not engage in proper debate.

Now our elected representatives wish to ignore a clear instruction delivered by the 2016 referendum, while at the same time preparing for martial law.

The establishment is clearly preparing for all out war against its own citizens in several Western European nations

. Welcome to the EU dictatorship!

More tea Vicar?
I think that perception is being shared by more people every day, George. The UK is a tinderbox right now.

that Macron globalist puppet’s organized red caps shows how really evil he and they are. Wouldn’t be surprised if some of them were paid to do it.. He’s not listening nor cares about the people and is really defying them. I love all yellow jackets and I feel very bonded to them. We’re all for freedom and our own self determination and our country culture and heritage and sovereignty. The UK used to be bastian of freedom and democracy now is like a cesspool of oppression and gangster brutality instead of rule of law and censorship. These countries have bad leadership. Just a few good ones.

Kea Whitmore
Let’s call it what it is FRAUD. The system syphons off as much money as they can. Digital robbers and thieves. It is neoliberal policies, that are robbing the people of the very resources that sustain them. Just ask the french. Prices keep going up to opporate the “system” and the people get austerity to pay for it. They are syphoning off the value. Like taking the cream off the top and giving that to corporations and the milk goes to wallstreet and what is left the price goes up to the people and there is no nutritional value left. Stop the insanity now.

Sylvia Wernicke
Ashkenazis: the white Jews who originated from Western Russia & Middle-Eastern Europe.

Francois Egregyi
@Sylvia Wernicke The Ashkenazis are not Semites; they’re Turkic Khazars who converted to Talmudic Judaism.

Sylvia Wernicke
@Francois Egregyi That’s right. The real Semites are those who call themselves “Arab”. The globalists, the Ashkenazis, originated about 700 years ago in Western Russia//Eastern Europe, with little being known about them prior that time.

Derek Finch
Democracy is failing in the EU because there is no democracy just unelected official Bully Boys acting like folks on the Citizens of Europe macron & merkel. The Germans are probably being supplied into France to crush the yellow vest movement. macron would not have an election because he knows he would lose and the people of France would get their country back and the EU would losing control over France. the French people wish to keep their identity and do not want the EU to carry out genocide by mass migration into the country. they are doing this across Europe just look at the problems that it is causing for Sweden France and many other European countries. people protesting SIA dictatorship and a Super State of Europe being formed – if they do not oppose it – where you will not have any say, any democracy but be dictated to by the elitists and the globalists. they’re also trying to do the same thing in America at the moment with  trying to do away with the Constitution of America by using the Deep State the same as what’s happening across Europe. many people deny the existence of the Deep State but you only need to investigate & read things about the Bilderbergers, the Fabian group, and many other organisations these politicians belong to. don’t be fooled when they tell you they believe in the rights of the people democracy and the freedom of speech Sharon I do not have much respect for the freedom of speech or democracy.

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