Tim Emslie’s Report – Part ii

Ivy Rivard
I, myself, a Trump Supporter have serious doubts. We have had 3 speeches from POTUS in 3 weeks and the exact same message. Border = drugs,human trafficking,disease and murder.  I live in New Mexico, and a lot of very sick caravan people have crossed and are here. Some are sitting in filth (not enough porta potties) and sickness (reports of t.b. and other serious diseases) at our border. Others have been ushered in by coyotes,and tunnels.
Arizona and Texas and California, same thing. So re opening the government to pay workers who are rich compared to Americans struggling to eat makes no sense whatsoever.

The ’emergency powers’ that have been ‘threatened’ have not been used, when they could have. The Fisa docs never came out, and the Gestapo FBI arrested Roger Stone Friday with 17 cars, 29 ‘agents’ and ridiculous charges, along with Fake News CNN coming along to film it.

Guardian 25 January 2019Roger Stone says he won’t testify against Trump after Mueller indictment

Nancy Pelosi tried to have Trump killed again last weekend. So, yes, I would LOVE to believe the good news, but what we are seeing is incredibly ugly and disheartening…. even to hardcore Trump supporters.

Patti Oconnell
@Dee Boso Roger Stone = a keystone perhaps?

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