RED PILL UPDATE ON USA & AUSTRALIA Satanists pushing vaccines? Child Foster care system? 27/1/19

Tim Emslie
Published on 27 Jan 2019

Ursula M-H
Hi Tim, thanks for the update and my compliments to your Yellow Vest, it suits you very well ! Whilst talking on vaccinations, yes I like to confirm the old days in Germany, when kids sick with measles were put to bed together with healthy kids so that the healthy kids could strengthen their immune system.Also, with all that vaccination hyperbole going on lately, isn’t it interesting that I see a headline today in the digital version of the Sydney Morning Herald that reads “100 years ago today: The catastrophic Spanish Flu pandemic hits Sydney.” Methinks are THEY planning an outbreak?

The Sun 6 March 2018A KILLER flu pandemic could be poised to sweep the globe “tomorrow”, killing 33 million people in its first 200 days.  GW: ”Killing 33 Million” – They wish.  Notice that favourite nwo number sitting there  in the text – 33. Hocus Pokus; AbraKadabra; Bubble Bubble Toil & Trouble etc etc

So vaccines are purely poisonous now? Maybe they don’t feel the need to put even any antidotes to vaccines anymore because they know they are losing? So they just want to cause as much havoc as possible when they still have a chance. It makes sense.

They don’t even need to worry about ppl. finding out, because it’s going viral already.
And when whole humanity debates about the topic, it also creates negative energy to the field. Which benefits their agenda too.. At least as long as that truth storm runs wild amongst sleepy people. But when majority of humanity has awoken, it should calm down and everything will be much better.

Those who have believed the cabal’s lies the whole time, have huge cognitive dissonance when their belief systems are suddenly challenged heavily and they start realizing the truth.  Meanwhile they are probably seriously pissed at us, the messengers who dare to speak out about this kind of thing. Like we would be the guilty ones…

Thank you for your great work! 🙂

karen mitchell
Good morning from Canada Tim. Great vid, especially hearing of the take down as per Trump Govnt” shutdown. 1913 is a very long time. Their time is finished. Soros = Sorrows. lol and the Blood Moon, as per myself….it’s been overall very energetic. I love it.
Sure appreciate your updates! thank you.
PS, 8:10 am here in Canada. Very Strong Winds here, very strong, with Thunder. I am not kidding…and snow. Stay safe!

[SOTU] Thursday ‘Our’-TIME Should-Be-FUN … Especially-If The-Secret-Service ‘Steals’ [RBG]’s-BODY The-‘Night’-BEFORE So-to-Speak!!!??? >(*U^)<

the gov in australia is pretty scary! but i live in the US, so we have a lot of that satanic horses!t here, as we all know.

Lion soul
Hallo Tim from the Netherlands Namasté

Norma Wesley
Great video! ty so much for the info ♡ we must stick together they want us divided ♡ my home life is very strained because of difference in opinion about all these matters and the lies that are believed with these evil people. everything turns to the propuganda that they sell and too many are still falling for it hook line and sinker!
We must keep each other in prayer for strength and a sound mind the evil works 24/7 and we need to fight back harder!

GW: Yes Norma we must all pull together in prayer.  The UK at the moment is trying to remove an enormous cancerous tumour from its body & the proposed surgery is causing a lot of trauma.  We the curative parts of the body – like the white blood cells – must get all assistance to the wounded area after the operation – which is now scheduled for Tuesday – after continuous delays – if it is indeed carried out then – to cleanse the wound, stop infections, administer medication and healing balms, & to maintain the stitches after the op.  We must then start afresh turning over the soil & planting anew in order to ensure that all in UK are provided for properly in 2019 & beyond.

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