Pounds to pennies Corbs has a Jewish heritage – Mr Carey – Who’s buy-in your lunches?

Lord Carey, who was the head of the Anglican church from 1991 to 2002, has added his voice to the many calling for Labour to get a grip on the issue.


Glasg0w, Glasgow, United Kingdom,
If Corbyn didn’t like Jews then he wouldn’t have been arrested in the 70s for being a part of a street demonstration campaigning for their protection. Where was the Tory concern for the Jewish community then?

LovetheEU – NOT, Brussels, United Kingdom,
So the witch hunt is starting again. Corbyn is a lot of things, but he supports the Pales.tini.an issues. The Is.ra.el Lobby will do anything, ANyTHING, to discredit him. Disagreeing with Is.ra.eli ‘government’ policy is NOT anti-Seme.tic.

GW: ”Gives me the impression” what kind of ”evidence” is that? Thought your remit was to teach God’s instruction to ”Love thy neighbour as thyself.”  Gideon says these constant ”anti-semitic” allegations against Corbyn is a Cabal trick to take the Jewish Vote away from Corbyn.

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