Money, Power, Family: Inside South Korea’s Chaebol

17 February 2017

The heads of South Korea’s most powerful companies appeared at a parliamentary hearing in Seoul in December as part of a corruption inquiry. The vice chairman of Samsung, Lee Jae-yong, fourth from right, was arrested on Friday on bribery charges.

Kay Griggs 17 February 2017: The Anal theory of Power

Telegraph 28 June 2018: North Korea ‘executes officer who jumped gun on peace on peninsula’

A senior North Korean military officer who told colleagues they no longer needed to “suffer and tighten our belts to make rockets and nuclear weapons” has been executed by firing squad, according to reports in dissident media.

The officer was named by the Seoul-based Daily NK news website as Hyon Ju-song, a 56-year-old lieutenant-general who was serving as director of the services inspection division of the People’s Armed Forces.

Lt. Gen. Hyon appears to have become excited at the possibility that the detente that has taken place on the Korean Peninsula this year will develop into full-blown peace and got ahead of official party policy.  How unfortunate – he thought the struggle was finally at an end.

Jacob Rothschild’s words when played backwards: ”I am Satan’‘ – This one’s dead now so the entity that was within him has been passed on to someone else in the Cabal.  The Cabal’s name for this entity is Pindar.

GW: See how it is in the world of tptwtb?  They work towards ”power & control”  after accumulating ”piles of money.”  They don’t really care about the peace & security of their nation’s people. Their Modus Operandi.  When one gets to the point where one is able to – one siphons off as much public money as one can to a Swiss Bank Account.  After enough money has accumulated in that account, then one turns to the greater aphrodisiac – the power of life or death over others.  They’re ALL the same.

SissCo Kids
Deuteronomy 3:11; Joshua 13:12. Remnants of giants/demon offspring. Don’t be goated into civil war for depopulation purposes. This is not about democrat versus republican, left versus right, liberal versus conservative. Those are a distraction, to make you think you have a choice. It is about Good versus evil: Read Genesis 6 carefully. We are ruled worldwide by demon offspring (descendants of Cain, see 1 John, Chapter 3, verse 1, Deuteronomy 2: remnants). These demons (partially human) from Babylon called Khazars (They call themselves jews, but are not. They are of satan: Revelation Chapters 2 and 3, verses 9 in both) worship lucifer, thus the various branches of masons and knights of malta (royal knights, jesuits, shriners, knights templar, illuminati, etc.) worship lucifer while most below the 33rd degree level are ignorant and think they worship God, but don’t. James 5:12 swear an oath by no man, least you be condemned. Princess Diana called the Queen of England not human, a Reptilian, a shape shifter. Karen Hudes, attorney and works for the USA at the world bank describes these nonhuman entities (4 different demonic species) that work where the gold is stored. They are going to feign an alien invasion where they will try and lead people to believe the antiChrist is Christ. Don’t be fooled. We have perfected the technology to project holograms. Khazars are exiled jews that never repatriated to Jerusalem and stayed in Babylon and worshiped false gods/occult/magic, thus Revelation Chapters 2 and 3, verses 9 in both: They are of satan and are not jews (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Soros, Windsors and other ruling families.) Iron/clay is European Union/NWO/Global Government and the resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire (Charlemagne) under the Vatican (mystery babylon, false prophet pope, vatican). This is occurring now. When the Temple is complete in Jerusalem, the antiChrist will defile it. PAY ATTENTION, DON’T BE FOOLED. The peace treaty is between humans and these demonic forces (Book of Enoch Chapter 13, verse 4). Ephesians 6:12 Says we are fighting the spiritual realm, not humans, so get baptised in Jesus’name. PRAY TO YOUR FATHER IN HEAVEN AND CALL HIM FATHER. Pray for all of your Father in heaven’s people. Pray for all of those that don’t know our Father in heaven or those that rejected Him to search for Him and repent so that God in heaven can bless them. Finally, pray to our Father in heaven to throw satan/lucifer and all of the demons into the lake of fire. The Book of Enoch describes the fallen angels/watchers imprisoned in Antarctica in chains bound by God Almighty for having intercourse with human women (Enoch c6: v2; c7: v1 & 2; c8: v2; c8: v8 & 9; c15: v3). Cain is the result of satan and Eve’s union.The antiChrist will be the King of Syria (islamic) [Daniel 11] partly lion (Jewish/ England), partly leopard (black/negro) Revelation 13:2. And he will have a head wound, Revelation 13. Obama currently fits this description perfectly. He is not a lover of women (Daniel 11:37). He is a CIA operative without a past and would easily let the head demon take over his body. Erdogan is a possibility, but currently, my bet is on Obama.. Obama recently stood before Bilderberg and stated Americans must surrender their freedoms to the New World Order. I DON’T THINK SO!

(& Full of Hubris) Barack Obama’s speech in Belgium 2014: ‘US Must Surrender To New World Order’

Former Fake president Barack Obama has been caught on video saying that “ordinary Americans” must “surrender to the New World Order” because they are “too small-minded to govern their own affairs.“

During his speech Obama described the New World Order as an “international order we have worked for generations to build,” before concluding that “progress can only come when individuals surrender their rights to an all-powerful sovereign [the New World Order.]

“This is Obama as most have never seen him before, speaking candidly before his elite globalist peers, completely unaware that his words may one day be disseminated to a wider audience of “ordinary Americans.”

The Peoples Voice
Published on 18 Jun 2018

NakNaksdad N
Although i never appreciated videos and audio being spliced into pieces to create something that never happened. (known to us as disinfo/counter intel pro). All we need to do is stick with the truth and the truth is indeed that these inbred creatures are trying to enslave the world. Here in this video, this asshat does come off as if he is “Napoleon the Boar” in “Animal Farm.”

Despite this man being a complete treasonous turd, his words in this case are taken out of context.

Truth & Art TV: FYI- Here is the original video of the Obama speech in Belgium in 2014 proving the video posted on Twitter is Obama being taken out of context-

Barack Obama’s speech in Belgium

FRANCE24 English
Published on 26 Mar 2014

[Note that Q posted the video on 8chan BEFORE the person on Twitter was notified that the video could be a fake. Proving that Q is NOT AI right but human instead!]

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