Martial Law is it? Tut

The very Digital Matt Handicock  Secretary for H&SC & Brexit & All Sorts

Brexit: Cabinet minister Matt Handicock fails to totally rule out martial law after no-deal withdrawal from EU

robertdavie65 @The Independent
Our living standards have been on the decline for the last four decades due to poor leadership by western governments (UK, US, Australia etc.) bent on the concept of globalisation. Rather than planning and developing new industries as old ones die off when both they, and the jobs they support, are off-shored to benefit wealthy elites, they have indifferently sat back and let the market rip.

Governments have watched on and done nothing as the wealthy have taken the means of production off-shore to low taxation nations in the pursuit of their own profits, and at the expense of the people and nations to whom they owe their very existence and wealth. The net result has been a transfer of wealth from western countries to poorer low wage and low taxation nations without any thought given to what will replace those lost sources of national income in their country of origin. Remaining a part of the EU will only continue this process which is why Brexit is the first step in taking back control over our economic well-being.

So here we are, with a lack of jobs for the young and with a growing casualization of the workforce into low paying insecure jobs, and with governments facing declining national incomes, yet still faced with having to provide the same services as in the past. So what do they do?

The only thing they can, raise taxes on anything they can, thus forcing up the cost of living to unsustainable levels, and by selling off assets. This includes selling land to overseas buyers, thus forcing up property prices until our young can no longer afford them. What else can governments do? We don’t make anything anymore and so the only way we can generate an income is by selling our land off to whoever will buy it.

All of this has been decades in the making and is the result of a lack of planning and foresight by successive western governments who have put the interests of a wealthy elite ahead of those of the nation. The ‘gig’ or casual work economy is a symptom of our decline and the logical consequence of workers competing with each other for a declining share of our respective nation’s wealth. Wealth that has been extracted over many decades by our wealthy elites who have been aided in this goal by our politicians. If our politicians were paid according to performance then they would be very poor indeed.

If we continue down this road western nations will sink into poverty. Instead of planning for a future of poverty, we should be demanding our politicians come up with a strategy for generating new sources of national income instead of off-shoring the last of our industries and wealth. That is, after all, why they are there!

The majority of this parliament are bent on undermining Brexit and the will of the people as expressed in the referendum. It is extremely irresponsible of them to be scaring the public with talk of ’doomsday’ like consequences. The 30th of March will be no different to the 28th, people and businesses will go about their daily activities as they always have. Nations trade with each other because they need and want to do so irrespective of each other’s politics, it is just a fact of life.

German car makers will still need a market after the 30th as will the hotel operators in Spain whose need of tourists after Brexit will be no different to that before it. So our political leaders should stop this devious and childish nonsense of trying to scare the public into a second referendum.

Phil Canillas
T May doesn’t have an executive brain so why should she be given executive powers?

William Tobin
This is the Nazi’s “Enabling Act”.l What surprises me is that everyone talks of the “Henry VIII powers” the govt is taking, where the Enabling Act is a much more recent and surely damning analogy.

Gavin WilliamsDaughter – Sec for Defence.

Anyone who thinks it would never happen should remember that Gavin Williamson is our Sec of Defence.  He would LOVE to implement Martial Law, he is a power hungry little sadist.

Who is going to police this ”Martial Law” since the tories have slashed police and armed forces

GW: Quite they can’t even catch a few knife crims at the moment.

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