Police searching for missing 22 year old who went missing at the weekend after a night out find body in the river

Luke Jobson R.I.P.

Luke was spotted outside The Keys on Yarm High Street before going up towards Osbournes and then Yarm School, where he was sighted for the last time.


Daverobbo68, Lincoln, United Kingdom,
One man…chased by a GANG of utter cowards!

jodiem, ryde, United Kingdom,
Because there is no real deterrent anymore, justice system is a shambles they don’t care what crime they commit they won’t do “hard time” .

elizabeth45, Houston, United States, 
Gangs of lads absolutely everywhere. Hunting in packs without a care in the world. No police, parents sat in the pub, all carrying knives. An absolute disgrace. A stand needs to be made and quickly.

Jazziebelle, Jazzland, United Kingdom,
Yep, the police need to start getting thing sorted. Too much snow flaking & worrying about right. What about the victims rights?

MUFC League, Twenty Timesland, United Kingdom,
I was in a gang many years ago, not the type that would chase one person though. Honestly the teens of today have no morals or ethics. They will attack women and children without remorse.

Sid E. Gent, London Wall, United Kingdom
As a teenager back in the 60’s, I can recall me and a pal missing the last tube train from Dagenham, back home to Upminster after a night out, and having to walk. A car pulled up with a couple of lads in it and asked where we were heading, and dropped us off close to home…how things have changed, and not for the better.

AbsolutelyHaram, Crewe, United Kingdom,
Awful, awful news. There’s a terrifying rise in feral gangs of youths who have seemingly given up on being members of civilised society and now exist solely to terrorise local communities. For those who have not yet fallen into such a situation, social services need to up their game to identify and rescue these kids from their destructive situation, and for the rest, the Police and the courts need to fall on them like an anvil.

Pizzare, Disneyland, United Kingdom,
This is so wrong, I really think the government need to forget the non happening Brexit and actually face up to the real issues in this country !

GW: This is some people’s reality in Tori Britain. The Tories have been running thing since 2010 & Treason May personally reduced the size of the police force & is still doing so via dictats to Commissioners.

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