SOTN: Another GLADIO-style Mass Shooting Staged in Florida—Here’s why!

The power elite know exactly what time it is regarding the true state of the global economy. These power players also know just how precarious the stock market really is today and going forward. After all, they set up the global gambling casino to fleece the professional and working classes out of their hard-earned money.

These top-tier merchants and moneychangers are also grimly aware of the true condition of all the markets—equity and bond, commodity and currency, real estate and insurance, derivative and carbon. Hence, they know the time is quite short before the final collapse.

Given this eventuality the wealthy elite know in their bones that when the markets crash, they will have hell to pay for the fastidiously controlled demolition that allows them to keep their stolen wealth and ill-gotten gains.

It’s of paramount importance for the reader to apprehend the following critical breakpoint. The markets will be crashed when the perps are finished grabbing all the pension money. This is the crucial trigger point; for the pension theft represents the greatest heist in world history. Such a massive crime spree will completely lock down the entire planetary civilization into a financial prison (see “crime spree” description that follows).

The ‘FOUR HORSEMEN’ Herald the Death Knell of Predatory Capitalism

You see, the illuminati perps at the top of the food chain understand that, this time around, the people of the planet know exactly what’s going on. The Internet has provided countless sources of accurate information about the multi-century crime wave that starts and ends with an immense degree of financial / economic / monetary criminality and corruption perpetrated by their financial terrorists, economic hitmen and currency saboteurs. Therefore, the perps know that their lives really are in serious jeopardy … and that there’s no way out except to disarm the soon-to-be enraged populace.

This is precisely why so many mass shootings, deadly psyops and other black operations have been carried out in Florida. The top decision-makers live here and don’t want to leave. Apparently, they made the egregious mistake of putting Elon Musk in charge of their colony on Mars where the Tesla was to be the vehicle of choice.

But then TPTB also a Plan B in the works.

THEIR FINAL SOLUTION: Market Crash, Dollar Collapse & World War

The final takeaway here is that things have never been so combustible throughout the Sunshine State. Once the Democrats were caught trying to steal the Florida 2018 midterm elections, the NWO globalists are really peeved. Therefore, the good people in Florida must be on their guard. From this point forward, anything goes, anytime, anywhere throughout “New Italy”.

Wide shot Sebring Shooting – Too many Agency vehicles parked at Marriot. Not one ambulance/first responder vehicle

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