David O’Sullivan’s position as ”EU Ambassador” to US is rather odd & perhaps superfluous now in the new scheme of things

The diplomatic status of the European Union ambassador  to the US  – David O’Sullivan – has been quietly downgraded by Donald Trump’s administration.

The 28-nation bloc was upgraded from an international organisation to a member state in 2016, under former president Barack Obama.

The move by the Trump administration effectively repeals the change in status made in the last day’s of Mr Obama’s presidency.

The US president is a vocal supporter of Britain’s exit from the EU – he dubbed himself Mr Brexit in 2016 – and has regularly criticised the bloc for its approach to trade with America.


The ’EU’ isn’t Europe. It’s not wandering through Italy or quaffing wine in Paris. It’s a cabal of unelected failed politicians, almost all male and all white. In any other context it’d be a group receiving the ire of the ’liberal’ press.

Let me get this right. The EU has had a delgation to the US since 1954. From then until 2016 it was apparently regarded as the representative of an organisation, not a member state. Barak Obama had 8 years in office in which to change that but left it until he was about to leave office. He clearly didn’t see it as an important issue. Trump has now returned the representation to the original status. It hardly suggests Trump is seeking to snub anybody (and the EU have 26 other ambassadors to bend his ear).

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