COUP-IN-PROGRESS: Pelosi, the Mafia and the Black Nobility

Lucid Dreamer
Published on 22 Jan 2019


Doug Billman
No, Nancy is really crazy… her elevator does not go all the way to the top… the lights are on, but no one is home… her head has room to rent…..

michael york
All these people have to answer to The Creator, so actually they should be pitied, our light affliction is but for a moment, these malicious, evil people will suffer for eternity. Our common enemy is Satan, too bad the con artists cannot see that they have been supremely conned by the master con artist, and Satan does not share power, or care for humans. Those who would prey on their fellow humans, become the ultimate prey, God’s Justice is Perfect.

How could anybody spend that much time and effort elaborating on Pelosi’s mafia family roots and NOT note that Hillary Clinton comes from the same roots, but from Chicago and by means of the Khazarian half of the Black nobility’s corporate globalist hit squad. Yes, Hillary was trained by her mafia don father Hugh Rodham (real name before change Rodamsky).

By not immediately following up with an expose on Hillary you are doing the patriots out there a huge disservice! Please reconsider!

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