‘Usurping the electorate’ Tory MP Oliver Letwin suggests NINE MONTH Brexit delay as ‘starting point’

Lolly Wetlin is a Rothschild Agent.


How much time do they need? Two and a half years already only to produce the worst political deal possible.  When a ship is sinking there comes a time when bailing out stops & jumping ship starts.

If BREXIT is not delivered in March then I do believe that Parliament will have passed the rubicon.  There will be no going back on rebuilding bridges with the electorate.  Millions of people will not vote LbLabCon again as any trust between politicians & the people will be lost & representative democracy will have been seen to be a farce & a con which has failed miserably.  The votes will go to other parties & individuals who may be painted as extreme by MSM & the current mps but these new parties will be trusted albeit just once to prove democracy in the UK is not dead.

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