Treaty of Aachen – EU Army & other matters – Part ii

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Derek Finch
Looking at the European Army idea reminds me of forming the new Nazi Party across Europe Theory to be used on their own members if they do not follow the elites in Brussels and Germany. It is never that the world is in Greater risk of War. It will be America turning its nuclear weapons on France and Europe along with the Russians and the Chinese. The arrogance of these warmongers in Europe – they are already sending extra people into France to Crown the yellow vest protest. This is the EU showing it’s true side and 4 minutes dictatorship of a Super State of Europe. The globalists are well in charge now and wishing to kill and Crush anyone who opposes their rule. Those who are nationalists will support 100%  the stopping of the genocide of the identities of their Nations. It will be not only be left that the only option for those who oppose these people will to become terrorists in their own country and that’s not what the people of Europe want to do but when you have an occupying army in your countries, resistance to the EU takes on a different meaning completely. You become the hater of democracy; the hater of the freedom of speech and are on their path to enslave the people of Europe. Be very aware I even tried to understand stabilise America by using their influence to cause turmoil and public unrest in countries who oppose their ideology. The EU is turning into a dictatorship ruled by a few elite people and the sooner the British people and the people across Europe realise what they have become they may have a chance of Taking Back control of their countries and stopping these warmongers from creating a European army which will be used against its own people and this proposal between France and Germany as also leading to Germany supplying people to help boost their police force in France to crush the resistance so France is turning former democracy into a dictatorship Lorded over by the Bilderbergers . There’s never been a greater threat to human rights looking at the european army idea reminds me of forming the noon nazi party across Europe through the use of their own members.   Written by Ai?

Hi Hounddog Good insight. To globalists no contract is sacred unless it agrees with globalist agenda or they will do everything in their power to change it or to renege on it. In so doing they make mockery of democracy. Globalism seeks to enslave the people to be completely dependent on the globalist gov’t in dictatorial regime. Oppressing the people with high taxes and unsustainable mass migrations to fill their own pockets and use globalist controlled main stream media to push their politically correct compelled speech, to tell the people what to think do and say. The media negates the yellow vest protesters when it has been the police that have been the aggressive ones, having been given orders to shoot rubber bullets and tear gas at them, and 8 protesters have died now in the rallies and l00s injured and 500 or so put in jail. When the police were being aggressive

before, a well known professional heavy weight boxer in France 37-year-old Christophe Dettinger, gave them a run for their money and pushed them back; but was arrested and given l year in jail. A go fund me was started for legal defense and the Gov’t shut the go fund me down at the bank. This is facism. Canada wake up; what is in Germany and France and other EU countries is coming here quicker than you think. A lot of them are like police states with so much terrorist attacks rapes and thefts and high taxes and very controlling, manipulating and oppressive gov’t. They have a con manipulative politically correct dialogue like Trudeau in Canada who with his acting skills makes people believe him and not his opponents whom he accuses of using emotion instead of facts which is exactly what Trudeau is doing himself.

Derek Finch
If the French army is put out onto the streets of France to quell the yellowjackets then they have committed treason against the people of their land Like Mike Ron has already done by signing an agreement now with Germany and the EU army that is already being formed. It’s being used against the French people because they want Liberty, freedom of speech and Democracy in their country. The EU is acting more like a dictatorship now than a trading nation. They are now in the processes of taking power away from all member governments and centralising control over the whole of Europe to create a ”Super State of You” ruled by the Brussels elite, the Bilderbergers & the financial institutions. This is a part of the dream of a world government. The UN has already been taken over and this year the UN Marrakech Migrant Pact will be adopted by the EU criminalising any person within Europe who protests against mass migration. This is all of the plan of doing away with the identity of member countries and then taking control over the people & those lands at the same time getting rid of any opposition. Sounds very much like what the Nazis did in the Second World War when they isolated the opposition and then carried out genocide on them.  Are we looking at the same ideology 2? Imagine those who fight for the freedom of speech, democracy and self rule will we be the next ones on their list and how many will they murder and kill to take control and create their superstate of Europe? Then on to other countries across the world undermining those countries and looking 4 conflict between Russia America and many other countries? Be very afraid this is the rise again of a dictatorship.

Macron’s Pan-European Army? Is that how the EU will use unemployable migrant African & Muslim populations now on gov’t welfare? Sadistic, terrorist tribal military methods will be used to control Europe’s recalcitrant, defenseless, unarmed civilians, e.g., Somali police in Minn., MN, USA murder unarmed Australian woman in a bathrobe; Cologne’s New Year’s Eve Rape Festival…Europe beware!

Logan 5
The clock is ticking……
Soon it will be too late to oust these childless tyrannical traitors to humanity

Yumcha Brea
A mercenary Army for the elite of Europe? some thing better be done to stop it. They’ll be arming all those who they’re importing !

michele piteo
Merkyl’s a cartoon character these days ditto Macron. Right now that 21st century Titanic is a sliding deck, the water flooding it a sea of Yellow Jackets that neither can do anything about. See recent video of Merkyl histrionically and hysterically demanding an EU army like Adolf Hitler. Ya too late, love. No, she canna do a 180 degree turn in time to the changes surrounding her. Macron is a cork in the water for invisible Bilderberg d!ck. Nexits will follow on The Continent.

Greece: ‘Hitler is here’ say protesters on Merkel visit

Brexit and Angela Merkel’s EU Army!

Jeff Taylor
Published on 13 Nov 2018

Bon Chance
REFERENDUMS until you get the
Is an EU TACTIC…..


Jimmy Lynn
The Satanic NWO / UN totalitarian marxist agenda is almost complete, Brexit stands in the way and was the only national action by any group of people to vote and defend their country, in the world, recently.…. Trump won’t save you because he’s owned by the zionists who bankrolled him via Rothschild Ltd after he became bankrupt …. Merkel, Macron and May have already signed deals to bring together their various military units.

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