Pizzagate is REAL & Hostel 2 ISN’T Fiction

SGT Report
Published on 15 Feb 2017

This one is a MUST SHARE. Not only is Pizzagate REAL, the movie Hostel Part 2 is not just a fictional movie, based on what we now know about the elite, it’s much closer to a documentary. Author Stefan Verstappen joins me to discuss. Visit Stefan and buy his new book ‘A Masters Guide To The Way Of The Warrior’ at his site

Elizabeth Torres
Fear, distress, chaos, pain and human suffering gives them enhanced pleasure. They were probably victims themselves, and told to assist in the torture of a captured victim or be tortured. Like cocaine and heroin, they became addicted. It gives them a feeling of power and control.
In my opinion, these SICK MF need to be removed. Put them on a deserted island, where they can take turns with each other.

kristina mcclure
Elizabeth Torres no one has to continue abuse just because you were abused. You’re a victim until you decide it’s wrong then you’re not. You could decide that when you’re 10 yrs. old and say, “when I get the hell out of this place, I’m gonna do it my way and not their way”. I was abused and I knew what was going on (the level of mistreatment to me and my sis) when I was really little, I understood what was being done to me was not morally right. So, I kept that within myself until the day I left. Then I searched for the different way. I made a shitload of mistakes but I stayed with it until I got it right and completely healed and freed myself of victimhood. I left my house as soon as I could find someone to marry me. Otherwise, my parents wouldn’t have allowed me to leave, I was 17 yrs old. So, yeah. If ya wanna hurt people until your back hits the coffin, the best place for a person like that is in the dirt or a funeral pyre. Firing squad style.

If you’ve ever dealt with a narcissist and escaped their grips, you do understand what a psychopath is. Got to plead the blood of Jesus.

Aedre Bletsung
Hostel 1 and 2 movies was an open brag from the deepstate and shadowgov

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