Petition 229963: ”Leave the EU without a deal in March 2019” heads towards 350,000 signatures

GW: And Watford’s gone up to 481. Slowly but surely folks.

Heh that’s good of you to keep us updated on Petition 229963 GovWatch but what about that other one? Well as I explained yesterday it’s getting pretty busy here @ ”Watch Under the Willows”  as the World of Watch is growing exponentially & we really could do with more help.  However, for now, I have been liaising with my colleagues @ukpetitionwatch & have asked them to ”lend a hand.” Won’t be a minute.

Rustle Rustle Rustle. Click Click Click. Ping. Ah got it.

Email: 24.1.2019


Hi There GovWatch – information on Petition 224908 as requested.

Petition 224908
Brexit re article 50 it must not be suspended/stopped under any circumstances
102,059 signatures

As Always

Petition 224908
Brexit re article 50 it must not be suspended/stopped under any circumstances

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