UNLOCKED: What Took Place In Nancy Pelosi’s Closet…

Weeping Angel II
Published on 14 Jan 2019

Truth Seeker 714
Pelosi owns a “pizza” shop called “Goat Hill Pizza” why did she name it that? What really goes on there? INVESTIGATION NEEDED!!

Shawn Hennessey
I didn’t know about the Pelosi crime ties. What wasn’t said is how the fires in California were so amazingly through the path of that Rail line cutting the cost of the property it’s running through since most homes were burned out. Pretty amazing coincidence.

Molon Labe
That’s why Nancy doesn’t want the border tunnels to be discovered or disturbed. It would mess with her drug and human trafficking. Watch where the tunnels lead. It will come out.

One Om
This ain’t no closet, it’s a freaking Olympic stadium

The frog
Socialist sugar coat everthing we’re going to build you a fast train the people go👏👏👏 but really they just put you in more debt to globalist bankers🌐💰💰 who indirectly make future decisions for their benefit🤔😁💲💲 not yours so your children are slaves once again just like you never to taste debt freedom👅 history shows the left couldn’t run an out house 🚽unless it had some military use in wiping out the people the new California governor’s auntie is Pelosi, he also has ties to the Getty family fancy that smells of globalist all round, these filthy traitorous and treasonous politician’s do not have you well being in mind just there’s. So off the gitmo with them all.

Ann Bullard
This is the first time I’ve seen your broadcast! Boy, it was an eye opener! Pelosi being mafia princess, explains a lot! The broadcast the other night of Schumer and Pelosi was very revealing too, Spiritually. They both looked like death! Their eyes look dead too. No light in them at ALL! I know folks say the eyes are the windows to the souls! I pray a hedge of protection around you, your family, America, The Patriots, The Body of Christ, the children, President Trump, his family, and The Military that is backing the Constitution of The United States! In Jesus Name! Amen and Amen!

Shawn Murphy @Bombard’s Body Language
President Trump already knew exactly what the response from those who oppose His policies would be, before He even announced yesterday, that He would be addressing the Nation today. He is controlling the narrative & even though the Southern Border crisis is a very real issue, this is all political theater, much is going on behind the scenes… This situation is playing out well for President Trump, His Counter Moves to Nancy Pelosi’s uninvite for The SoTU address, sent a strong message & made Pelosi reveal much about herself. She looked like a fool & a deer caught in the headlights trying to respond to the media about her military flights being cancelled by President Trump & then when she tried to fly commercially her flight details were leaked & the media hammered her, she got frustrated and left the airport. President Trump is in election mode for 2020 & He is TROLLING the Demonrats daily, He is relentlessly pounding His opposition daily & it’s great entertainment for me!!! Indeed President Trump has accomplished much in 2 years, but He can’t drain the swamp if the Shutdown ends & the Federal Government reopens! It will stay shutdown until President Trump makes the Federal Government smaller & more efficient & at least a good portion of the Deep State Swamp has been removed from their Federal employee status. Much, much, much more is happening behind the scenes & anyone who thinks 6 Billion dollars has anything to do with any of this political theater, well President Trump has a few other things to sell you that you will gladly swallow. Only time & history will tell the full story, pray for Our President Trump, He surely needs them!!! Give them hell Don, give them all hell!

Mary Beckham
Feinstein involved too with her husband on bullet train.

From Dianne Feinstein’s Website: A list of her accomplishments?

Awake and Angry Birk1 week ago
Nancy Pelosi and Diane Feinstein are both mafia kids. Think about that.

Emerald S
California sales to CHINA? would that be related, the fires for insurance monies brown with smart meters etc…. Solyndra? sorry not sure how to spell that… never forget… Annunciata, how did she get past security checks?? no wonder cali is nearly broke… and people have to have several jobs just to pay for nancy’ + buddies projects~ , then is was never about the wall, that is obvious!

Rich Peters
Looking at the map of the bullet train is like looking at the map of the ” forest fires “ is that how they solved the higher than anticipated cost of land acquisition?

GW: Pelosi can’t make a deal even if she wanted to as her NWO masters won’t let her – hence the attempt to meet with them in Brussels.

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