Trump Achievements Since Elected

Weeping Angel II Link

Karaoke Rebel
We have to set the records straight and let it be known that Donald J. Trump is an unexpected gift from Heaven and we must pray for his safety each and every day. He is not perfect…Are you? Shame on Americans who do not take the time, make the effort, dig into their hearts and souls for some sense of honesty ! Even now, after the enormous evidence of the courage, goodfaith, talent, discernment and love for this country of this fine President, some people are still brainwashed by the media who is itself controlled. It’s useless to expect the MSM to simply give the news without their anti-Trump propaganda and distorted reports of events. Here is a “partial” list of his accomplishments since November 20, 2017:
The rescue mission has begun ! THE STORM IS HERE ! and this fine President needs the dedicated support of EVERY GOOD PATRIOT !! Imagine millions of doubters finally listening to reason, to fair and honest revelation of verified facts; finally seeing the light and feeling so much better for knowing they are winning ?
HERE’S A PARTIAL LIST OF TRUMP’S ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN 2017: > (please print your own copies for conversation and distribution) but first, see the video of Jan. 14 by Steve Cioccolanti called: “The Trump Eclipse…”. Another video has a list of 205 accomplishments of Donald Trump as of the end of 2018:

  • Jan. 23/17, started a major secret investigation (with Sally Yates and two most powerful legal firms) on the permanent, harmful effects of a “special” vaccine on Autism. The results have finally come in confirming that “plague”. On the same day,
  • blocked foreign aid for abortion;
  • Feb.7/17, Trump reduces the cost of the F35 fighters by 700 millions; – Soon after,
  • he takes some of BHO’s abusive executive orders & uses them for the protection of the people ! –
  • Apr.26, launches the “Victims of Immigrant Crimes Office” to protect and support victims of violent crimes committed by “radical illegal aliens migrants”;
  • June 26, donated his 2nd quarter salary to the Dept. of Education;
  • He issues very urgent Executive Orders starting with 6000+ indictments against the individuals, organizations and groups who committed/commit crimes against humanity through many foundations and the Deep State; Shadow Government, Cabal…(all part of the NWO agenda); –
  • His legal team proceeds with the freezing and seizing of stolen citizen’s assets by charging the criminals and calling the Central Banks to order; –
  • Gets the Federal Reserve and the Pentagon audited; –
  • Prepares the US exit from the UN, the EU & the Paris Climate Accord;
  • Begins the cleaning up of the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the SES & many other 3 digits “establishments”; –
  • Blocks the servers of the FBI, CIA, SES & other agencies who are “mishandling” the government services and therefore the people; –
  • Gives very needed support to ICE;
  • Renegotiates NAFTA; –
  • Reduces negative business protocols; –
  • Sept. 5, Revokes Obama’s “anchor baby policy” thereby reducing human trafficking and illegal abuse of immigration laws; –
  • Oct. 12, the FBI recovers victims of human trafficking in operation “Criss/Cross Country”; –
  • Oct.26, Makes RIS accountable for targeting the Conservatives Tea Party group; –
  • Establishes a new order of peace, fair trades & valuable commerce and imposes sanctions when needed; –
  • Secures negotiations with many nations; -Brings back businesses into the USA; –
  • Nov. 9, Negotiates 250 million dollar trade deal with China;
  • Creates more jobs by bringing back major companies to America and beginning the repairing of the infrastructure; -Restarts the coal and steel industries; –
  • Gets many people off from food stamps; -Stands firm with China and other countries (Iran in particular that clandestinely received 40 billions by BHO to continue their nuclear agenda); –
  • Dec. 3, Trump withdraws from the UN Global Compact on Migration;
  • Dec. 14, sets the record for nominating Federal Judges; –
  • Dec/18, Creates the “Conscience & Religious Freedom Division of the Office for Civil Rights of Christians; –
  • Dec. 19, Signs into law the largest tax cut & biggest tax reform since Reagan (30 years ago); –
  • Begins building/repairing of the Border Wall to establish and protect the country’s borders, lands and people and reduce the human trafficking occurring at the border (the Dems want NO border (to get votes from anyone; anyway, anyhow); –
  • Warns, stops the caravans infiltrated with criminals coming from Honduras, Guatemala & Mexico; –
  • Hires the best people to help his/your government clean up the SWAMP; –
  • Defeats plots against the USA, himself and his family; –
  • Begins the finishing off of ISIS (ISIL);
  • Dec. 22, Repeals Obama’s Individual Mandate; –
  • Investigates the criminal takeover of the voting system by enemies of the state inside & outside of the country (Soros owned voting machines); –
  • “Debugs” the White House; –
  • Stands firm amid attacks while waiting for his time to strike back against evil; –
  • Works at creating a new form of MSM; –
  • Works at ending the stealing of people’s patents (Dealer Tech. & others); –
  • Looks into reducing the cost of medicinal products/care and prescriptions;
  • Visits areas devastated by hurricanes to assist and support !
  • Dec. 25, Brings Christmas back into the White House and welcomes the people (so beautiful !) * AND THE GOOD DEEDS CONTINUE *

GW: Whatever you think of Trump – contrast that list with Treason May’s two year BREXIT Prep & well?

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